18 Sunday

35 1 0


I woke up to the sound of andys alarm going off I opened my eyes and noticed I fell asleep against andy.

I smiled and rolled over and started blushing like crazy I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy turned off his alarm and sighed and got out of bed and started packing his bag so we could leave.

I checked my phone and it said 3 am I sighed and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

An hour later we all left the hotel and got on the tour bus and headed to our next destination it was still extremely dark outside.

Ashleys hair was a mess I started laughing and took a picture of him he rolled his eyes and went back to sleep.

I smiled and climbed into my bunk and got comfortable and fell back asleep because I was exhausted.

The guys hung out in the hangout area so they could let me sleep in and do guy things I guess.

Our next stop is in Dallas Texas and I'm super excited about it unfortunately it's extremely hot outside.

A couple of hours later I woke up sweating and said Jesus Christ I yawned and stretched and got out of the bunk and used the restroom.

I headed downstairs and said hi Andy said we are gonna be in Texas for a while I smiled and said we are going to Six Flags.

I told them it was an amusement park and the guys got excited and I laughed and shook my head and layed down on the couch.

I said fuckin hell I'm sweating my ass off every one started laughing we were on the bus we had just arrived to Texas.

Andy said well welcome to Texas where it is hotter than Satan's balls we all started laughing together and I covered my face.

I sat back up and looked out the window and watched all the cars pass us while we were driving down the highway.

Andy rested his hand on my back and I smiled and bit my lip and looked over my shoulder at him he was busy talking to the guys and laughing.

I bit my lip and smiled and looked back out of the window I noticed a bunch of really nice cars I said oh cool.

I noticed a car that looked extremely familiar they looked at me and rolled down the windows and I felt the color drain from my face.

It was my parents that abandoned me and left me at the orphanage I immediately fell backwards and ran out of the hangout area.

Andy got up and ran after I couldn't breathe I felt like I was about to pass out Andy grabbed me and I turned around and started crying.

The guys ran after me and stayed a couple feet away from me and Andy he said Helena what's wrong.

I said I just saw my parents who abandoned me andys jaw clenched and he held me against him and kissed my head and said we will protect you.

I smiled and said thanks a couple minutes later we all went back into the hangout area and I told the guys and the looked extremely protective of me.

A couple of hours later we ate dinner and got to the venue and got ready for the show I started getting slightly anxious Andy helped calm me down.

After the show started I went to go use the restroom after I got out I bumped into my parents I said oh shit.

They said Helena we are really sorry we want to take you back home I didn't believe them at all.

Both of my parents were abusive alcoholic assholes and so I started cutting myself to help cope with the pain and they made me feel like shit.

I remember when they abandoned me they told me to kill myself and that no one loves me and they left me in front of the orphanage.

My eyes started watering I said no and walked away my dad grabbed my arm roughly and I flinched and looked at him.

I said ow let me go he laughed and said your coming home with us I said no he roughly shoved me to the ground and I hit my lip and it started bleeding.

They started laughing and said no one loves a depressed emo piece of shit like you I got up and started crying and ran away.

My shirt was covered in tears and blood I felt like I needed to cut myself but I stopped doing it for a while and I didn't have anymore razor blades.

The show finally ended when I got to the stage I went to the meet and greet and Pat said Helena are you ok.

I started crying and he immediately ran to go find Andy a security guard helped clean my lip up.

Andy ran over to me and said oh my God Helena and he scouped me up and I told him everything and he looked pissed.

After we left the venue we got dinner and ice cream and went back to the hotel and got cleaned up for the night.

I stayed wrapped up in andys arms the whole night until we both fell asleep to the sound of each other's heart beat.

adopted by Andy BlackWhere stories live. Discover now