35 the weekend

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I can't believe today is the court day I'm so nervous it took me forever to go to sleep last night because I was so nervous.

We go to the courthouse at 11 am Andy is also extremely nervous as well Mr. Thomas met with us yesterday so we could go over today.

Me and Andy picked out our outfits again so we wouldn't have to worry about it this morning.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed.

I turned off my alarm and went into the bathroom and closed the door Andy woke up and said can this day just end already.

I said I couldn't agree more he laughed and said preach I smiled and shook my head and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into our room andy got out of bed and walked over to me and gave me a hug and said we got this ok.

I said you make me feel better he said good and he kissed my head and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I started getting slightly anxious while getting ready for the day after Andy was done in the restroom he started changing for the day.

Andy said are you ok I started shaking slightly while I finished getting ready for the day Andy walked over to me and gave me a hug and kissed my shoulder.

After me and Andy finished getting ready we left and headed to the court house Andy held my hand because I started getting more anxious again.

Andy turned on the radio so it would help me calm down on the way to the court house I just looked out the window the whole time.

A little while later we finally got to the court house and Andy parked the car and we got out and closed our doors.

I walked over to andy and he locked the car and grabbed my hand and we started walking through the parking lot together.

Andy said we are gonna be ok Helena I promise I said ok and started taking breathing exercises on the way up to the court house.

Andy opened the door and we walked inside I saw ms. Summer Mr. Scott and our attorney Mr. Thomas he smiled and said ready.

I shook my head and said no I'm freaking out Ms. Summer walked over to me and gave me a hug and said everything is gonna work out ok.

I took a deep breath and said ok and she pulled back and said we got this I smiled weakly and said ok.

We all went through a medal detector then we sat down outside the courtroom and waited until it was our turn I felt like I was getting dizzy.

A little while later the police officer walked out of the courtroom and said you guys can come I felt bile in my throat now.

We all got up and walked behind the officer there were a bunch of people in the court room and I felt like I wanted to pass out.

We all got to the front and stood at a desk Andy kept his hand on my lower back his parents and the guys were sitting behind us so that made me feel better.

I looked on the other side and saw my parents and their lawyer I bit my lip and thought I hope they fucking loose because I can't deal with this anymore.

Mr. Thomas Mr. Scott and Ms. Summer all looked extremely serious and professional and I felt like I wanted to throw up and shit everywhere.

I looked at Andy and he had his jaw clenched because he was extremely pissed that my parents would do something like this I just want it over with.

adopted by Andy BlackWhere stories live. Discover now