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Aegon drummed his fingers on the table, bored. By some accident it seemed he'd arrived at supper on time. Aemond wasn't even there yet, and he was always early! He exhaled loudly and looked around for something to amuse himself with.

Lady Baela, his betrothed, had elected not to sit beside him. He eyed her appreciatively. Not his usual type, but there was something pleasing about her all the same. He liked her strong face and air of determination. At any rate, he'd much rather marry her than his sister.

Aegon threw back his cup of wine, draining it in one gulp. Then he rose to his feet and ambled along down the table. Using the excuse of reaching for the decanter, he addressed himself to Baela.

"Shouldn't you be sitting beside me? You are about to become my wife after all."

"Let it be cousin," she responded coolly. "We have years of sitting beside each other to endure. Why not enjoy this time apart?"

He grinned. "Does the prospect of marrying me fill you with such dread?"

"I fear our marriage will prove a disappointment to each of us," she returned flippantly, taking a sip of her own wine.

"Well," Aegon leaned in close, lowering his voice so he would not be overheard. "I regret any disappointment you are destined to suffer. But whenever you wish to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask."

Baela choked on her wine, face flushing. Pleased with her reaction, Aegon returned to his seat.

Rhaena patted her sister on the back.

"What did he say?" she whispered. But Baela would only shake her head.

Aemond and Visenya finally arrived. Aegon was surprised to see them together. She looked flustered while he looked smug. He shot his brother an inquisitive look. Aemond only smiled and led his niece to their seats, mumbling an apology to their father for keeping him waiting.

"It is no matter my boy." Viserys smiled at him. He looked around the table at the tense expressions of his nearest and dearest, and sighed. There is still much work to be done. Staggering to his feet, he began his speech.

"How good it is to see you all tonight... together. It gladdens my heart to see these faces around the table... the faces most dear to me in all the world yet grown so distant from each other in the years past. But tonight is a new beginning for our family. Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The Crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. Set aside your grievances, if not for the sake of the Crown, then for the sake of this old man, who loves you all so dearly." He looked around the table, trying to impress his words upon each person present. "I am not just your king, but your father, your brother, your husband, and your grandsire... and I may not walk for much longer among you."

That seemed to touch a nerve. Even Daemon looked somewhat guilty.

Viserys took a quivering breath and continued. "Now... this is an occasion for celebration. At this very moment, nobles from every corner of the realm are descending upon King's Landing. After tonight, we shall enjoy seven days of tournament and feasting, and at the end of it all, a royal wedding. It shall be one for the history books, and will I hope accomplish the wish I hold dearest in my heart: to see my family united." With a hand not quite steady, he raised his cup of wine. "A toast, to the House of the Dragon... long may we reign!"

"The House of the Dragon," his family chorused, obediently raising their cups and drinking.

Satisfied, Viserys slumped back in his throne. To his surprise and delight, Rhaenyra rose to make her own toast, raising her cup to the Queen and praising her loyalty and devotion. He'd never been prouder of his daughter.

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