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Aemond was not the only one having a good day. Soon after their arrival at the camp, Luke received the welcome intelligence that the war of the Stepstones had been won, and that his grandsire the Sea Snake was sailing for King's Landing, perfectly hale and hearty.

Luke felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. One day the immense responsibility of ruling Driftmark would be upon him, but it would not be this day. He had time now; he could prepare.

He immediately hurried off to find Rhaena to impart the good news; a bounce in his step and his face glowing with happiness. He found her standing alone on the edge of the river, admiring the view.

"Rhaena!" Luke was so overwhelmed with relief, he rushed forward and clasped both her hands. "I bring glad tidings, the happiest of news! The war in the Stepstones is over. We won! Grandsire is sailing for King's Landing at this very moment!"

"Oh Luke that's wonderful!" Rhaena exclaimed.

"I know!" he squeezed her hands. "For the first time in years I feel like I can breathe again." And as if to prove it, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, chest rising and falling with the movement.

Then something was pressing against his lips. Startled, Luke's eyes flew open. Rhaena was kissing him! After a second or two, she stepped back, dropping his hands and clasping her own behind her back contritely.

"I'm sorry!" she blurted out. "I couldn't help it."

"No- no, it's fine -it's great!" Luke stammered. He felt rather giddy.

Rhaena looked up at him from under her lashes. "It's great?"

Now Luke was blushing too. "Well, I mean, I wish I had been the one to do it..."

"But we could have both grown old waiting for that to happen," Rhaena pointed out, reasonably.

"That's probably true," he admitted. He took a hesitant step forward and gingerly cupped her face. "Let me try this again."

Rhaena closed her eyes, waiting expectantly. Luke was rapidly trying to recall everything Daemon had told him. Alone? Check. Mouth closed? Check. Head tilt? Check. Hand position? Check.

Hoping he used the correct amount of pressure, Luke pressed his lips to hers and closed his eyes. Then his mind went completely blank, frozen in a moment in time, all of Daemon's helpful advice forgotten.

After a few seconds he drew back, a little thrown off balance by the strange blend of roiling emotions rampaging through him; anxiety, excitement, pleasure and vulnerability.

Then Rhaena opened her eyes and beamed at him, allaying his fears. His shoulders sagged with relief. He smiled back at her, butterflies dancing in his stomach.

Rhaena was the first girl he'd really liked. She had the prettiest smile and had always been kind to him. He'd been greatly reassured by their talk at the tourney the other day, knowing he'd have her full support when the time came for them to rule Driftmark together. When she'd confessed that she too felt like an imposter in their family for not having a dragon, it had triggered a protective instinct in him that he'd previously only felt for his brothers.

He couldn't honestly say he felt entirely ready to wed anyone, but if he had to marry someone, he was so glad it was her.


"How can you still be tired? You've been asleep all day," Aemond asked his brother, torn between incredulity and awe.

Aegon yawned. "My regular sleep pattern has been disrupted brother. It will take days for me to recover."

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