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Helaena hastily composed three urgent missives after the feast that evening, one for each of her sisters-to-be. Visenya, Rhaena and Baela promptly answered the summons.

"What is it, Helaena?"

The princess swayed on her feet, cup of wine in hand, evidently a little tipsy. Visenya wondered if everyone in their family was going to develop a drinking problem before the wedding was over.

"It's Jace," she told them unhappily. "Something he said to me at the tournament today."

"Oh dear..."

"He said-" Helaena lowered her voice to mimic Jace's- "you remind me of my brother."

The girls gasped.

"He didn't!"

"Oh Jace..." Visenya sighed despairingly. "For a sensible boy he really can say the stupidest things sometimes."

"Wait just a moment. What was the context?" asked Baela. "Surely he cannot have been comparing you to his brother physically."

"I don't know!" Helaena wailed, collapsing into a chair by the fire. "We were talking about the tournament, I think. I can't recall what I'd said."

"Perhaps he meant because neither you nor Luke enjoyed the jousting," Rhaena suggested. "You both felt squeamish watching it."

"Yes, that makes sense," Visenya soothed.

"I've tried to tell him how I feel, but I can never find the words. Every time I look at him it's like my tongue ties itself into knots. And then he says something like this, and I realize how very differently he sees me."

"Would you like me to have a word with him?" Visenya offered.

Helaena hastily shook her head. "No, no! That's kind, so kind of you. But I think I might die of mortification." She made a broad gesture. "Please someone, tell me something to distract me."

"Well, I have an announcement," Rhaena declared. "After the wedding, I'm going to attempt to bond with a dragon." The others all exclaimed excitedly. "Yes, I know, it's about time." She looked down shyly. "I just, I've always felt my egg didn't hatch for a reason, that I didn't deserve a dragon. But I was speaking with Luke today, and, well... I've decided I have to at least try."

"Oh Rhaena! I'm so sorry you felt that way." Baela reached over to squeeze her twin's hand. "I never knew... why didn't you tell me?"

Her sister shrugged. "I was ashamed. Besides, I didn't think you could understand. Your dragon was born to you. You don't know what it is to be without one."

"Which dragon are you thinking of claiming?" asked Helaena.

"Luke suggested Seasmoke. He was very supportive. It was sweet."

"Now didn't I say you had nothing to worry about with Luke?" Baela teased her gently.

"I think Seasmoke is a perfect choice. You'll suit each other." Visenya smiled. "Just as you and Luke do."

Rhaena beamed.


Visenya took her time getting ready the following morning. Her presence was not required in the Royal Box until the afternoon, so she decided to spend her free morning reading peacefully in the godswood. It would be a relief to have some quiet time to herself.

While she was dressing, a servant came in to deliver a note and a small velvet pouch. The message was only two words:

Something shiny

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