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No one consumed much at supper that evening; their bellies were either full of butterflies or twisted into anxious knots according to disposition. When it concluded, the four brides gathered in Rhaena and Baela's chambers, having arranged to spend their final night together as unmarried girls. Naturally, they discussed their grooms... but a great deal was left unsaid.

Visenya would've rather died than confess to anyone that she'd already let Aemond claim her maidenhead -and in the middle of the Kingswood no less! Baela would never have admitted how much she was truly looking forward to her wedding night with Aegon. Meanwhile, Rhaena and Helaena were both treasuring the memories of their first kisses, cradling them close to their hearts like precious secrets.

Though the ladies did not know it, the four grooms plus Daeron had also decided to enjoy one final drink -or two- together on the eve of the wedding. Naturally, it had been Aegon's idea. He'd suggested it during the hunt, and despite the dramatic events following their arrival home, the five princes had decided to go through with it.

They met in Aegon's chambers. He and Aemond lounged in chairs by the fire, while Jace and Luke sat awkwardly beside each other on the long wooden bench. Daeron was sprawled out on a rug before the hearth.

"If you have any questions about how the act is done nephews, now's the time to ask," Aegon invited them, with a roguish grin. "You know, where to put your cock and all that."

Jace and Luke shared an uneasy glance. As a matter of fact, Luke had lots of questions, but he wasn't sure he could bring himself to ask any of them.

"Come along now, don't be shy. Ask uncle Aegon anything you like. Brothers, the offer stands for you too."

Aemond rolled his eye. "How kind. But I think I'll manage without your help."

"That ship has sailed for me too," said Daeron. "But don't tell mother!"

Aegon immeditaly began pelting him with questions, eyes gleaming at the prospect of fresh gossip. But Daeron only shook his head, smiling.

"A gentleman never tells, Aegon. She was just a girl I knew in Old Town. She's been sent away by her family to marry someone else now." He sighed. "And mother told me tonight that I am to marry Princess Aliandra."

"Who?" asked Luke blankly.

"The eldest child of Qoren Martell, future ruling Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear," Aemond supplied. "It's a fine match for you... and I believe you're about the same age too."

"She's one year my junior," Daeron corrected. "And I'm aware that it's a good match. Doesn't mean I have to like it." He continued rather gloomily, "it's father's way of bringing Dorne into the realm. His final marriage pact."

"He tried to do it once before years ago. Wanted to marry your mother to Qoren Martell," Aegon informed his nephews brightly. "If he'd managed it, neither of you would exist."

"How do you know?" Jace demanded.

"That you wouldn't exist? A simple matter of deduction, dear boy-"

"No, I mean that Viserys -oh never mind." Jace waved him off.

"Why do you dislike the match?" Luke asked Daeron.

He shrugged. "I'm not sure that I do, but it's hardly the welcome home I'd hoped for. Still, I shall reserve judgement until I actually meet her. Unlike all of you, I've never laid eyes on my betrothed. All I know of her is her name and her age."

"And that she's a Martell," Aemond pointed out. "Which means she probably has dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin."

"Well I heard she's a bloodthirsty flirt," Aegon chimed in helpfully. "Apparently she encourages knights to prove themselves to her by raiding in the Dornish Marches."

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