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Not for the first time, Aemond strongly regretted the close proximity of his chambers to Aegon's. With all the couples having departed the feast at the same time, and he and Aegon leading their brides in exactly the same direction, the foursome found themselves awkwardly walking alongside each other to the princes chambers.

Aemond shot a silent look of entreaty at his brother. Aegon, perfectly comprehending his displeasure and not unsympathetic, took matters into his own hands.

"You two go on ahead," he said, with his usual air of insouciance. "We're going to take a circuitous route."

"We are?" Baela inquired, raising an eyebrow at him.

He winked.

Aemond, too thankful to question it, snatched Visenya's hand and hurried her away without another word.

Aegon turned to Baela and grandly offered her his arm.

"Shall we my dear?"

She smiled and looped her arm through his.

"And just what is this circuitous route?" she asked mischievously. "Do you truly know another way, or are we just giving them a head start?"

Aegon chuckled. "Have a little faith in me wife."

He led her off along a dark corridor and stopped in front of a large tapestry, depicting one of Aegon the Conqueror's many victories. He looked around quickly, then lifted up one of the corners, revealing an arched hidden door. It was clad in the same stone as the surrounding wall, almost indiscernible if one didn't know where to look for it. Aegon pushed hard, and it swung back, revealing a secret passageway.

Baela grinned. "Oh you are full of surprises!"

Aegon cast her a roguish look. "You have no idea."

They stepped through, and Aegon resealed the entranceway. Then he turned and dragged Baela ruthlessly against him.

He kissed her and kissed her, so passionately she was arching back over his arm. She clung to him, breathless and happy, so happy she couldn't help but giggle, her laughter spilling into his mouth.

"You impossible woman," he scolded. "Can't you see I'm trying to be serious just this once?"

Baela pressed her quivering lips together. But she couldn't help smiling, and neither could he.

"Come." He grabbed her hand and pulled her irresistibly along the secret passageway.

On and on they went, Aegon stopping abruptly every now and then to kiss her, as though her lips gave him the fuel he needed to keep moving. He was still kissing her when they stumbled through another hidden doorway. He kicked it shut behind them, without breaking the kiss, and backed her across the room.

His fingers expertly unlaced the bodice of her gown and tugged it off down her arms. He caught her at the waist with one hand and tugged at her hair with the other, pulling it loose from its bun. The clasp gave, and her silver curls spilled around her shoulders.

Then he pushed her backwards, thankfully onto something soft. Baela gasped and finally looked around. They were in his chambers -at least she hoped they were. She was on his bed, which was twice the size of hers, lying beneath a red canopy. Aegon had dropped to his knees and was pushing up the maddening heap of her skirts.

"What are you- oh!" Baela threw her head back, as without warning Aegon licked a line up her slit. She gasped, thighs squeezing around his head.

Aegon pressed them back down, dropped a kiss on her inner thigh, then moved his mouth higher, tongue dancing around the little nub where she'd sometimes touched herself for pleasure - though she'd never felt anything like this...

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