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With the King indisposed and Rhaenyra heavily pregnant, the elder members of the family had decided to remain behind in King's Landing. Even Daemon had forgone the pleasures of the Royal Hunt. He refused to leave either his wife or his brother alone with Ser Otto, now Rhaenyra's ascension was only a matter of days away. If the vulture that perched upon his brother's throne was going to attempt anything, now would be the time.

"Daemon, what are you doing?" Rhaenyra hissed, seeing her husband sneak into the chambers of the Hand.

Daemon shushed her, grabbed her hand, and hastily tugged her inside, closing the door softly behind them.

"Looking for evidence of treachery," he whispered.

"Are you mad?"

"What? You were the one who said we couldn't punish him without proof of any wrongdoing,"

Daemon reminded her, rifling through the papers on Otto's desk. "So I'm finding proof."

"And what if he catches us?"

"Who cares? You'll be Queen by weeks end. What's he going to do?"

Rhaenyra supposed that was true. Hoping for Alicent's sake that Daemon was wrong and there would be no evidence of treason, she reluctantly joined the search. They'd scarcely begun when they heard Otto's voice just outside the door.

"Quick! Hide!" Daemon shoved Rhaenyra into a cupboard then rolled himself under the bed a split second before the door opened.

Three pairs of footsteps entered the room. There was the swish of a dress and the turning of a bolt.

"Am I to understand," came Alicent's voice. "That members of the Small Council have been planning secretly to install my son without me?"

"My Queen, there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes."

Rhaenyra recognized that as Jasper Wylde's voice. Her heart dropped. She waited breathlessly to hear what Alicent would say next. Surely she would not betray her. Not now. Not after they'd finally reconciled after all these years apart...

"And what of Rhaenyra?" asked Alicent, a quaver in her voice.

"The former heir cannot, of course, be allowed to remain free and draw support to her claim," Otto responded coolly.

"You mean to imprison her."

"She and her family will be given the opportunity to publicly swear obeisance to the new King."

Alicent scoffed. "She would never bend the knee. Nor would Daemon, which you know. Which means you plan to kill them." There was a pause. Then she continued angrily, "and all the small council have acceded to this plan?"

"Your father is correct, Your Grace. A living challenger invites battle and bloodshed."

"It is unsavory, yes," continued Otto. "But a sacrifice we must make to secure Aegon's succession. A sacrifice for the stability of the realm. No king has ever lived that hasn't had to forfeit the lives of a few to protect the many. Though I understand your squeamishness-"

"Reluctance to murder is not a weakness!"

"And then there is Daemon to consider. The King wouldn't wish for any unsavory..."

"The King would not wish for the murder of his daughter!" Alicent cried. "He loves her, I will not have you deny this."

"And yet-" Lord Jasper began but Alicent cut him off again.

"One more word and I will have you removed from this chamber and sent to the Wall!"

"Alicent, it is the good of the family that we both desire," said Otto placatingly. "If Rhaenra were to step over Aegon to ascend the throne, the realm would tear itself apart, and your children would be put to the sword. You know this. Do not let your affection for your childhood companion blind you to the truth."

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