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Nothing earthshattering occurred at the tournament that afternoon. Daeron, courteous and clever, went about reintroducing himself to his family. He made Jace and Luke laugh, flirted a little with the girls, and even managed to charm Daemon -no easy feat- with some subtle adulation.

It was well known that Daeron was the most popular of Viserys and Alicent's sons. This was not something either Aegon or Aemond particularly cared to be reminded of, but they were glad he was home, and were in such good moods themselves that they graciously decided to forgive him for being so bloody charismatic.

That evening, the King was well enough to attend the feast. Once all his family and guests were assembled, he rose to make a speech. He began by toasting the return of his son Prince Daeron, as well as all the knights who had so far proven victorious on the tourney grounds.

Once the cheers and applause had died down, he continued more seriously. "I now have a very important announcement to make... some exciting news I wish to share with you all."

Otto's eyebrows shot up. The King had not discussed making any announcement with him -or any member of the small council for that matter. It appeared Viserys was going rogue, which disturbed Otto greatly.

"I see before me tonight noble lords and ladies from every corner of the realm. You've honored me, and my House, by travelling great distances to join in the royal wedding celebrations. It now behoves me to tell you, that I have gathered you all to bear witness to more than just these four joyous unions." Viserys paused to draw breath. His family waited on tenterhooks. "On the morrow following the royal wedding, you will also attend the coronation of my heir, the Princess Rhaenyra."

Viserys looked out over the sea of astonished faces. More than one person's jaw was hanging open. Slowly, hesitantly, a smattering of confused applause broke out. Viserys held up a hand.

"I know I appear the very picture of health," he joked, feebly, "but I no longer consider myself to be in a fit state to rule. The realm must needs be led by a strong King, or Queen, which is why this wedding shall be the final occasion I preside over as your sovereign. I hereby announce my intention to abdicate, in favor of my firstborn child. So let us raise our cups to the soon to be Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name."


It would be extremely difficult to decide who was more amazed -or alarmed- by the King's announcement. Rhaenyra was stunned. Otto was horrified. Daemon was ecstatic... not that his brother who he sincerely loved was dying, but that he was making this sacrifice to safeguard Rhaenyra's ascension.

The Hand immediately rose from his seat and hurried over to hover behind the King.

"Your grace," he whispered desperately. "Are you sure this is what you wish to do? No King has ever abdicated before. All your predecessors have ruled unto their deaths."

"No Queen has ever ruled the Seven Kingdoms before either," Viserys pointed out. "We are living in unprecedented times Otto. I've decided the best way to ensure a smooth transition of power is to oversee it myself. That way, there won't be any confusion or... misunderstandings. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Hear hear!" Daemon cheered, not very discreetly eavesdropping on them.

"Father... are you certain?" Rhaenyra asked.

"I am. It is time. You are ready to rule, Rhaenyra. I cannot hold on for much longer, and this is the perfect opportunity whilst all are assembled. All the lords of the realm shall bend the knee to you once more, as well as to your own chosen heir."

Rhaenyra felt her eyes watering. She was overwhelmed with surprise, excitement, happiness, fear, and above all, love for her father. She was not the son he'd so desperately wanted all throughout her childhood, but for the past two decades he'd never once wavered in his support of her. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

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