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Jace was beginning to feel overwhelmed. This week was not panning out the way he'd expected.

The last time he'd seen his aunt Helaena, they were only children. There had never been much communication between them. He'd thought her a shy, sweet kid... rather like his brother Luke. So when the King announced their betrothal, he wasn't appalled or anything like that. Honestly, he didn't give it much thought. As his mother's heir, he'd grown up in the belief that one day he would be required to marry for advantage. He certainly had no objection to Helaena and was rather relieved that his bride wouldn't be a complete stranger to him.

Seven years later, he arrived in King's Landing with the most honorable of intentions. His mother had raised him to be a gentleman and to treat women with respect. He wanted to assure Helaena that although legally she may be viewed as his personal property, he did not see her in that light. She was his future Queen, and he would treat her like one.

He was also painfully aware of the fact that both his grandmother Queen Aemma, and his aunt the Lady Laena, had died during childbirth. He presumed this fate would naturally be something Helaena was afraid of and had resolved not to rush her into marital relations for this reason.

Upon seeing her again, he found her rather attractive. She had a womanly figure, lovely blue eyes and a gentle smile. So far so good. There was also a softness in her voice that he found soothing. The more they spoke, the more assured he was that she'd remained the sweet-tempered, good-natured girl he remembered. All in all, he felt she would make an ideal wife.

He was also confident that he'd be able to keep his own feelings and urges in check so as not to frighten her. But as the week progressed, this became increasingly difficult.

It started on the first day of the tournament. Jace was an athletic young man who loved physical games and hunts of every description. He had been thoroughly enjoying himself watching the tourney events... until one of the knight's competing in the joust asked for Helaena's favour.

Jace had been expecting this. The giving of favours was tradition after all, and the ladies of the royal family were always the most sought after. His sisters Visenya, Baela and Rhaena had all been asked too. Aegon seemed to laugh it off and Luke barely noticed. Aemond looked a little sour but there was nothing surprising about that. It wasn't as though his uncle were known for his affability.

What surprised him were his own feelings. Watching Helaena lean over the barrier and smile down at the fortunate knight while looping her favour around his raised lance... it did something to him. He felt hot and prickly all over, along with a sudden and intense hatred towards the random knight whose name he couldn't even recall.

But he shook it off. It was probably just his protective instincts kicking in. He didn't like the way that man had looked at Helaena, that was all.

The next day brought another bout of strange emotions. This time he was watching Helaena interact with her brother Daeron. They were both laughing as he shared some amusing story from his time in Oldtown. Naturally, that was fine with Jace, but it also made him realize how subdued she was with him. He'd never seen her so animated before... or so happy. Why was that? Did she not trust him? Did she not like him?

The final straw came after the feast that evening. It was not his grandsire's announcement to abdicate that bothered him. Instead, it was a visit from a distressed Luke, paid late in the evening after everyone had gone to bed.

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to get angry?" Luke asked, fingers twisting together anxiously.

"Oh Gods, what have you done now?" Jace teased.

"Nothing! I've done nothing!"

Jace rolled his eyes. "Very well, I promise not to be angry. Tell me what's happened."

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