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"Brother, have you come to train?" Aemond asked, not bothering to mask his disbelief. The King's firstborn son was a rare sighting in the yards.

"Yes, I have. No need to look so astonished," Aegon teased. "I do train sometimes you know."

"If you do, it's not when I'm here."

"Perhaps you're just too busy showing off to notice."

"At least I have skills to show off," Aemond retorted.

"Well you're not the only one."

"Good, then I won't need to go easy on you." Aemond smirked as his brother's grin faltered. He raised his sword. "Ready?"

Their first bout didn't last long. Aegon was by no means incompetent, but the one-eyed prince was a proficient and dangerous swordsman.

"Perhaps you could go just a little easy on me." Aegon suggested, looking up at his brother from the ground. Aemond had knocked him flat on his back.

"As you wish brother." Aemond helped him to his feet, and they went again.

They'd been at it for half an hour when Baela, Rhaena and Visenya appeared on the balcony above. Aemond took one look at his brother's face and immediately realized why he'd joined him for training.

He scoffed. "Should've guessed you were only here to impress a girl."

"You think she looks impressed?" Aegon asked eagerly.

"Not particularly, no. Perhaps you'd better spar with someone more on your own level," Aemond suggested dryly. "So you can appear to greater advantage."

"You wound me brother!" Aegon cried, feigning outrage. "But you may have a point."

They changed partners. Aemond dueled with Ser Cole, while Aegon challenged one of the courtiers who hung around the training yards to a bout.

In spite of herself, Baela was a little impressed. Aegon fought well, but she was more struck by how manly he looked covered in dirt and with his hair a mess.

She'd always thought of him as being lazy and effeminate; the kind of man who would have soft hands from never doing a days work in his life. It was surprising -and rather alluring- to see him in action.

Visenya had no such doubts about Aemond. She knew he was neither lazy nor weak. Her concern was quite the opposite. Aemond had always been hot-tempered and unforgiving. Combine that with his lethal skills and ambitious nature, and the man was a villain waiting to happen.

Aemond moved swiftly, ducking beneath Ser Cole's Morningstar as it swung at his head. His sword clanged against the chain as he deflected it, turning midstride, and pressing the tip of the blade to Ser Cole's throat.

The assembled courtiers clapped enthusiastically. He really was very good.

"Well done, my prince," Ser Cole praised his favorite student. "You'll be winning tourneys in no time."

"I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond looked up at the balcony.

Visenya was watching him, though not with any sign of admiration. Catching his eye, she turned swiftly away and withdrew from the balcony. Rhaena too had departed. As Luke it seemed would not be putting in an appearance, she decided to while away the time reading instead.

Baela, much against her better judgement, decided to wait for Aegon. He'd looked up at her at the end of every bout, clearly checking to make sure she was still there. It amused her. He amused her... far more than she was willing to admit.

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