It was all dark, nothing but cold air filled the empty room. All they could see is just a black and white checker board floor under their feet's.
"Mario?" Meggy called, anxiously.
Not a word was heard from Mario however, not even a peep. Meggy began to walk aimlessly, searching for Mario as she calls out his name through the endless empty place. She's uncertain of how long she had walked, but all she cares right now is that she must find Mario. All of a sudden, Meggy started to hear faint footsteps coming towards her.
"Whose there!" She said in a demanding tone, she put out her fists to prepare herself to fight whoever it was hiding within the darkness.
Out from the shadows came out a, familiar shape, a shape that she knew from before. They were small, with long arms and finger-less hands. They wore tall brown boots, along with a brown belt with a sheriff badge on it and a salt shaker on the side of it. Their hat was something out of the ordinary, it was shaped like an octopus out of all things with 8 small tentacle's around it.
"A-Auri?" Stuttred Meggy.
"You bet it is partner!" Auri happily said.
Meggy was surprised, she wasn't expecting to see her old friend to be here in the empty room of nothingness.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, "This is no place for someone like you to be here."
"Well, I don't know." Said Auri, "I just suddenly found myself here." He explained.
Now everything was starting to become eerie. Trapped in an Empty room, Mario is missing, and Auri just seemingly to be in here, not knowing how he got in.
"Well, have you seen a friend of mine somewhere?" She asked, "He wears a red shirt and hat with blue overalls, and has a mustache this big?"
Auri then thought for a second, "No, I don't think so, but if we keep on walking, I'm sure we could find who you're looking for!"
"Come on this way!"
Auri then grabbed Meggy's hand, and dragged her to the direction of his choosing.
"I hope Mario is safe." She worriedly thought.
After more aimless walking, everything was seeming to be hopeless. They've been searching for Mario for what felt like hours or more. No sign of Mario, no sign of where they are, no nothing, just the same old black and white checker board flooring. The two have gotten tired, and sat down on the floor for a break.
"I'm truly sorry Meggy." Auri sorrowfully said, "I tried my best looking for who your searching for."
"Its okay." Depressingly said Meggy, "I'm just hoping that Mario is safe somewhere."
Auri looked at Meggy with confusion, "Whose Mario?" he asked.
"Oh... Well, he's-"
"Its'a me!" Interrupted a voice from behind.
Auri and Meggy then looked their back, and spotted a shadowed figure running right up to them! It long jumped straight at them, and landed right in front of them.
"Mario!" Happily said Meggy, she ran up to him and gave him a hug, "I thought I've lost you!"
"...Did Mario go somewhere?" Questioned Mario.
"Say," Said Meggy, "do you know how you got here?"
Mario paused for a second, then and he looked around of his surroundings, he all of a sudden started to breath heavily as his eye's showed fear in his face.
"WHERE AM I!?" He screamed, and started to run around in circles, screaming, and questioning whats going on.
"Is he alright?" Asked Auri.
Meggy just sighed, she's just glad that she found Mario.
Out of nowhere, there was a speed of wind that blazed through them.
"W-What was that?.." Asked Meggy in a trembling tone in her voice.
"I don't know," Answered Auri, "But I think its about time we should find an exit to this place." He said.
"We're in'a luck!" Mario excitingly, "There's an exit just a couple of miles from here!" He pointed to a door that was coincidentally, not far from them.
"Well what are we waitng for?" Meggy said in a determined tone, "Lets get the hell out of here! And so, they all started running towards the exit door, excited to be free from this cold and empty place. It would've been easy, till something strange happened. As if by magic, the door just vanished right in front of their very eyes.
"What in the world?" Said Meggy with confusion.
"Where did it go?" Also said, Auri with confusion, "It was right there!"
They all looked around and see where the door had possibly went. Was it a fake? Was it a hallucination? Nobody knows the answer.
"Hm?" Noticingly said Mario, "Whats that thing over there?" He pointed to an another shadowy figure from the distant.
Due to the empty room being dark like a bear cave, it was very hard to make up what it actually was. They looked unfamiliar, They're pretty tall, wearing a black suit with some sort of cape, they also had a pretty strange looking hat that was hard to tell what it was.
"Um, hey there." Auri worryingly said, "Need of any assistance?" He asked to them.
The shadowy figure was just standing there, not saying a word. The three were getting chills running down their backs out by this.
"Mario thinks, we'sa fucked." Mario said in a fearsome tone, and he was right.
The figure immediately rushed towards them in super sonic speed, as It pulled a huge sharp staff out of nowhere, aiming straight at them!
"RUN FOR IT!" Screamed Auri.
They all started running away from the shadowy figure, but it was quickly gaining up behind them, with ease. It then crashed through them like a bullet, throwing Meggy and Auri at opposite directions while leaving Mario just a few steps in front of the figure. Meggy got herself on her knees, healing up from the impact. She looked at Auri, who was getting back up with a bruise on his forehead. Then she looked at Mario, who was still lying on the ground right in front of the shadowy figure. Mario attempted to get his fat ass back up, but the figure pushed him back down again with his foot!
The figure then got out his sharp staff, flipped it around, and stabbed Mario right through his heart!
"MARIO!" Cried Meggy, she couldn't believe what she had witnessed.
She couldn't believe that someone would had the right mind to actually kill Mario off like that! All of a sudden everything was getting blurry, and dark. She tried to get back up, but couldn't The shadowy figure then looked at Meggy deadly in the eye. It got his sharp staff out of Mario, flipped it towards at meggy and then-
"AH!" screamed Meggy, she was breathing very heavily in fear.
It appeared to her that it was just only a nightmare, she was sleeping on one of the bench's that was on the boat, there were other people here that are either sitting on their beach seats with their umbrellas covering them from the sun, or just looking through the ocean letting the air blow at their faces. She then looked around her surroundings and spotted Mario, who was just sitting on a table besides her.
Mario was staring at her in confusion, "You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She responded, calming herself, "I Just had a bad dream."
"Oh? Whats it about?"
"Well I... I'm really not sure, But it's fine."
Meggy then got up, stretched, and walked to the table where Mario was at. Mario was eating his bowl of Spaghetti for breakfast as he watched the T.v that was across from him, being held up by a turtle. Meggy then sat down on the chair across from Mario, and watched the T.v as well with him.
"Hello there!" Greeted a Teal colored sphere, which is a species Aura Bora from Port Aurora that was on the T.v screen, "And welcome to your paradise vacation at Port Aurora!"
"Ooooh!" Said an amazed Mario.
"Here in Port Aurora, We'll make sure your relaxed and well, as you enjoy our many festivities, and fine dining here! You could also enjoy our many tourist destination of your choosing, like our museum of fine art! Seeing our worlds most famous exhibition, The Phoneix Egg! Plus you'll be witnessing our spectacular display of fire works for our 200 and 1 anniversary of the founding of Port Aurora! Which will take place in exactly-"
"7 days." Interrupted a disembodied voice from the T.v. "Now please, sit back, relax, and enjoy your best life here at-"
"Port Aurora!" Yelled out a huge amounts of Aura Bora's dancing on the T.v with excitement. "Mario's pingas has gotten a little bit harder." Mario cheerly said.
Meggy just rolled her eyes amusingly. All of a sudden as she was still watching the T.v, something caught her attention. She spotted a shadowy figure jumping around in the background in the piles of Aura Boras, not one of them took noticed. The shadow has very similar features that resemblance to much like Mario. Maybe a bit too similar to Mario! It was causing mischief in the background, graffiting one of the walls with awful symbols and satanic lettering, and to top it all of, a terrible drawing of Mario.
Meggy blinked, and wiped her eyes to make sure she isn't seeing things. Once she opened her eyes again, the Mario shadow was gone, but the graffiti was still there. She wasn't so sure if her eyes were playing games with her, or she was still stressed from the nightmare she had, but Meggy just shrugged it off and got her self a slice of pizza that was free to take on the table.
"So Meggy." Said Mario, "What'a fun things are we'a gonna do there?"
"Well I don't know. There's a lot of options to choose from, but I believe we could do most of these things while our time here."
"I hope we could'a go to that fancy looking restaurant they showed on T.v! I Hope they have lots'a spaghetti!"
"And hopefully you won't eat the entire restaurant in one gulp." She teased, "But remember Mario, be on your best behavior, I don't want any trouble making while our time here."
"Yes boss." Understandingly said Mario.
So the two continued eating breakfast till they got to Port Aurora. Everything was going swell, until the boat bumped everyone on board.
"EEP!" Screamed Mario. Foods, and suitcases has fallen over. People fallen off from their chairs and slipping on the floor by the bump. Everybody on the boat got back on their feet's.
"What was that about?" Confusingly asked Meggy.
"I don'ta know, BUT THEY RUINED MARIO'S SPAGHETTI!" He cried out in anger.
"Stop crying about spoiled food Mario." She said.
Out of nowhere, a voice was heard from one of the boats speakers, "Passengers, We are terribly sorry about that bump, we have crashed on the wooden floor boards of the docks, but the good news is that, we're finally here! You could now get off the boat and enjoy your stay!"
The announcer then turned off the speakers, and everyone was fully up from the crash.
"Mama-fucker!" Said Mario, still pissed about the fallen food.
Meggy shook her head, "Come on Red, lets get off the boat. I promise I'll buy you another plate of Spaghetti."
"YEAH BOIIIIIIII!" Happily wailed Mario, and the two got their bags and finally got off the ship.
SMG4 Stories: The Return To Port Aurora
AdventureIt was just another boring day in the Mushroom Kingdom. That was till Meggy got a letter from her old friend, Auri Bori from Port Aurora! She was invited to a big anniversary that was coming in a few days! She was also given two boat tickets, one fo...