Bob and Boopkins, the friends of Mario and Meggy and also suspected to be allied with the criminal group, were put into 2 separate, unsanitary jail cells, far away from the other criminals in Auri's new prison house. The cells were small, being pretty much cramped in, It was very dirty like it haven't had a wash in years. Bob was complaining about the conditions in here a lot! Across from them was another room, with window's by the side. In it had a table, with 2 chairs facing each other, it was dimly lit, giving it an ominous feel to it, and unlike their cells, it was very clean, so clean in fact you couldn't see the dust!
After time has passed, Auri first brought Boopkins in first to the room, as Mario and Meggy followed them. Auri also locked Boopkins In one of the chair's, in case he tries to make an attempt to escape. The dim lights flickered on and off for a few seconds, till Auri started talking. "So..." He started off with a cold tone in his voice, "What were you doing with those, boxes my friend." He asked.
"U-um," Stuttered Boopkins, "Special delivery?"
"Oh really?" He said, as he walked closer towards him, viciously.
"Yes sir..."
"Well then... Is there, by any chance, you were carrying, MURDER WEAPONS!" He slammed his hands against the table hard, making everyone in the room jump.
"What!? No, you got that all wrong!"
"Yeah RIGHT! I'll teach you a lesson not to mess with me and my home town you-!" Before Auri was about to yell another word out, Meggy shut Auri's mouth up tightly, She then pulled him back to the back of the room
"Um, Auri." She said to him, "I think I'll handle this one out."
Auri nodded his head, and stepped back to let Meggy pass to Boopkins. She sat down straight, and prepared to talk to him.
"So Boopkins," She started, calmly, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be like... Watching anime or something?"
Boopkins took a deep breath before explaining, "Well, I was watching my anime at home with my waifu body pillow," He said, "But I was interrupted by Bob, knocking on my door. He said that he wanted me to come here to work for this big boss man of his."
In the back of the room, Auri payed close attention on taking notes, while Mario just stood their in the dark corner of the room, making him look uncanny, yet stupid.
"Oooh Auri." He said to him, trying to be scary, "Mario's tunnel of a doom." He teased, making Auri laugh a little.
"May I ask why did Bob brought you here to be exact?" asked Meggy another question to Boopkins.
"Well he talked about money too me, He said we should work together as mail delivery persons, and split the money fifty-fifty when we finish."
"Is that why he brought you up to this?"
"Well yeah, mostly for the money. He keeps talking about getting a raise by the big boss man whenever we do a great job."
Meggy felt like she was reaching to something bigger with this, "Have you ever seen or meet this big boss man he's talking about?" She finally asked.
"Um, nope" He said, "I haven't seen him yet, but I did hear his voice over the walkie-talkies! He sounded strong and very scary, I don't think he might be a nice person Meggy."
"AND ANOTHER THING!" Interrupted Mario's yelling, as he charged at Boopkins and started to choke his non existent neck aggressively! "Where the fuck Is'a my $20 you owe me last week!" He yelled again, shaking Boopkins violently.
"Mario stop! Let him go!" Meggy told him in a alarmed tone.
Mario freely let him go but gave him the death stare as he walked back to his dark corner.
"Sorry about that Boopkins," She said, "But you're free to go, not home yet, but you'll have to wait into your cell till then."
"Awh, okay Meggy." And so, Auri let Boopkins free out from the chair, and escorted him back to his cell.
Couple of minutes later, Auri brought in Bob, fully in handcuffed not just on his knife hands, but also his legs! He was also being carried till Auri finally placed him to the chair. Meggy was questioning what she was even seeing right now, with the handcuffs placed on his legs.
"I caught him escaping his cell." Auri called out.
"HeY! thAt cElL yOu pUt mE iN WaS diRtY likE crAp!" Bob yelled back at him.
"Alright, alright, Enough!" Shouted Meggy, She then sat down, facing straight at Bob with seriousness in her eyes.
"Bob..." She said with an upset voice, "What were you and Boopkins doing with those boxes?" She asked
"HaH!" Laughed Bob, "I wiLl nEveR tElL yOu!"
"Is that so? Well let see what Mario has to say."
Mario then emerged from the shadows with an orange on his hand. He then squished it hard, squeezing the entire orange out, making it flat! Bob eye's shrank in fear.
"oKaY, FinE, FinE. I'Ll teLl yoU!" He said, cowardly.
"Great, so let me ask again. What were you and Boopkins doing with these boxes?"
"wElL IsN't iT obViouS, wE'rE tRansPortiNg theSe."
"Transporting them to where?" Bob remained silent from the question, "I said, where are you transporting these boxes!"
"uGh tAkinG thEm ToO thOes weiRd aLiEn tHinGs." He finally said.
"Weird alien things?" Meggy thought, "Do they have like weird shapes on top of their heads?" She then asked him.
"YeS, iT's tOp secreT."
"Do you know where these guy's go when you give them the boxes?"
Bob shook his head no, "We wE'Re tOld to lEavE aT tHe baCksiDe oF ThiS cAsinO pLacE, and ThEy'lL taKe iT tO tHe boSs."
"The Crazy Coconut Theater..." Meggy whispered to herself, she then asked the same question Boopkins about this boss guy, and unlike boopkins, he somewhat knows what they looks likes.
"wElL, iT wAs fRoM a zOOm cAlL." He said, "hiS faCe waS coveRed, buT he wAs weaRinG a bLacK suiT."
Auri was quick to write down the description of this mysterious figure.
"ThEy alSo woRe sOmE soRt oF sTranGe cApE." Added Bob, "AnD thAt'S aLl I caN rEmemBer."
Auri then walked up to Meggy, and tapped her shoulder, "That should be enough now, my note pad is almost full." He said to her.
Meggy then looked back at Bob, "Well Bob, you're free to go back to your cell." She said.
"GrEAt, I'm tiRed oF bEinG hErE anywaYs." He said.
Auri then carried Bob back to his cell, without saying a word after.
Mario and Meggy walked outside to the main lobby, and waited for Auri to come back. He soon did as he reads through his notepad.
"Well guys, I think we're on track with this case!" He said to them in a cherry tone.
Mario cheered happily as Meggy smiled with determination.
"If we could find those weird alien things again." Said Meggy, "They'll surely give us more info of this big boss man of their's!"
"Yes, yes, and yes! and once we find them, we'll put them In their right place in jail, and Mario will be a free man again!"
"Yippe!" Mario cheered again, "Mario will live!" he wailed happily out loud.
Auri then adjusted his hat, and sheriff star, and walked up towards the door.
"Come on guys, are you ready to kick some baddies again!"
Meggy got up with determination energy within her, and Mario ran up to the closet and picked the lonely FLUDD up, and buckled him around him!
"Lets'a get going!" Said Mario with confidence.
"One for all!" Also said Meggy,
"And all for the best anniversary ever!" Cried Auri.
SMG4 Stories: The Return To Port Aurora
AdventureIt was just another boring day in the Mushroom Kingdom. That was till Meggy got a letter from her old friend, Auri Bori from Port Aurora! She was invited to a big anniversary that was coming in a few days! She was also given two boat tickets, one fo...