Chapter 24

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I walked upstairs, to Isa's room.
I knocked on to make sure i wasn't disturbing her.

"Yeah come in."
Isa yelled from inside her room.
I walked in and saw Isa chilling on her bed and scrolling on her phone.

"Look there is something i have to tell you but please, don't react weird or mad to this."
I sat on her bed nervously.

"Wait a second there girl, why the fuck did you disappeared for a whole night and not even send a message?"
Isa had a furious look on her face.

"I know and i'm sorry but that's the thing i wanted to explain."
Isa raised her eyebrows.

"I slept with Pedri."
I said quickly.

"You what—?!"
Isa was in totally in shock.
Shit, only now i realize what i told her.

"No no i didn't mean it like that, i meant i slept in Pedri's house not with him i couldn't even imagine how gross that would be."
I defended myself.
I never could imagine myself sleeping with Pedri, my childhood bestfriend.
Just take a moment to think about how gross it would be, wouldn't it?

"Excuse me, how the fuck did you even ended up in his house in the first place??"
Isa said still in a big shock while being confused at the same moment.

"That's what i wanted to explain calm down for a second okay? Pedri got a injury at training so he can't play for at least two weeks, but Xavi asked me to keep him company for those weeks because otherwise he won't take the rest he needs, he is way to stubborn for that. He was bored when he had to watch the training so we already leaved and drove to his house. We watched a movie and when it ended we were both very tired so i stayed there. We didn't sleep together, he slept on the couch and i slept in his bed."
I was already looking at the floor being scared for her reaction.

"So your telling you slept at the house from your childhood bestfriend who you used to hate for the rest of your life?"
Isa's look only became more and more confused.
I scratched my neck not knowing what to say.

I said with a lower voice.

"Oh yeah so you were enjoying him so much that you weren't bothered to let me know something? Totally understandable now."
She shook her head.

"Im so sorry look i really wanted to let you know something but i was so tired so i forgot, please don't be mad it won't happen again i promise."
I pulled her into a hug without her permission.
I hesitated first if she was gonna hug me back or not but luckily, she did.

"Fine for this one time i will accept it but if you do this one more time i swear i'm gonna kill you, understood?"
I had to smile a bit while Isa saying that, i knew she wasn't really mad just really worried. I knew she cared about me and she won't forgive herself if anything ever happens to me.

I said with a little laugh while pulling out of the hug.
But that's the moment i realized i had to tell her something else.

"There was actually something i wanted to say and i know your not gonna be happy."
I said with the same nerves as minutes ago.

"Let me guess, your gonna stay with Pedri for those 2 weeks?"
Isa said sarcastically and laughed.
My nerves only started getting bigger at this moment.

"Actually, yes?..."
I said looking at my feet.
Before Isa could say something, i took my chance to explain.

"I know what you want to say but listen, when i wanted to leave his house, he asked me to stay for those 2 weeks because he doesn't like being alone. He's being injured and i don't want to take care of him for even more weeks all because he trains again."
I sighed.
To my surprise, Isa shook her head and laughed.

Is she sick?

"Boy is already liking you before you even moved to his house."
She said.
I had to process for a moment what she said, Pedri liking me?
There was no way that was gonna happen, he could never like me in that way, and i could never like him in that way.
Simple as that.

"What no way it's just he's feeling lonely nothing more okay?"
I defended myself.

"Believe what you want."
She said taking her phone again.

"Wait, does this mean that your fine with it?"
I said confused.
She looked up from her phone.

"It's your decision so you do whatever you want and i will accept that whatever you choose. You know i support you in everything."
A small smile appeared on our faces.
I am so lucky to have her as a bestfriend.

"Thankyou i love you."
I said pulling her into a hug again.

"As long as i'm no aunt yet it's fine for me."
I just could feel her smirk while saying that.
I slapped her with a pillow straight into her face.

"Ew no i could never!"
Isa laughed at my answer.


After i told Isa the news, we just watched some movies together.
It was time to letting Pedri know she agreed.
I opened my phone and clicked on his number.
I waited patiently.

I heard Pedri's voice at the other side of the phone.

"Hey, i have some news for you. I talked with Isa about moving in with you for the coming weeks, and she agreed."
I said with a smile.
I wish i could see the look on his face when i told him.

"That's great! When are you planning to moving in so i can take care of the extra bed and—"
Pedri said excited.
I couldn't help but smile a little, it made me think of how he used to do this when we were kids.
But i cutted him off.

"Pedri calm down for a second, just say whenever is okay for you."
I said with a relaxed voice, hoping to calm him down a bit.

"Tomorrow is okay for me, only if you want ofcourse."
He answered.

"Yeah sure, sounds good."
I said.

"I guess i see you tomorrow than."
I heard Pedri saying.

"Sleep well Pedri."
I smiled.

"Sleep well."
Pedri said before hanging up.

I couldn't believe myself i actually was gonna do this.


Hey everyoneeee!
A bit boring chapter, still hope you like it.
Like i said, the next chapters are gonna be a lot of Pedri and Lucia content ;)


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