Ava walks into school when Jeremy walks up to her and she says, "Hey, Jeremy." Jeremy says, "Elena has to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. And Jenna's cool with it, too but-but you guys are pushing it." Ava's confused and says, "What are you talking about?" Jeremy says, "You and Elena. Now, look, I'm-I'm glad you guys are back together, but if she's gonna sleep over, you have to--" Ava cuts Jeremy off and says, "Wait-wait-wait. Hold on a minute. We're not back together." Now Jeremy's the one confused and he says, "Wait, she didn't, she didn't stay at your place last night?" Ava says, "No. I mean, I saw her at the party, but that was it. She didn't sleep over." Jeremy says, "Her bed hadn't been slept in. And Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where is she, then?" Later, Ava meets with Damon outside the school, and she tells him how Elena is missing, and she says, "This has Katherine written all over it." Damon says, "Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me. I'm the one that shut her in." Ava says, "Did you?" Damon says, "Did I what, Ava?" Ava says, " Well, I know the hold Katherine has on you." Damon says, "She's in the tomb. Period. End of story. But she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thoughts she was lying." Ava says, "What did she say?" Damon says, "Elena's in danger." Ava says, "What? You didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?" Damon says, "Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know, she's gonna start spouting out the truth." Ava says, "We have to go talk to her." Damon says, "No, no, no. Lemme tell you how that's gonna go. We're gonna go ask her for help and she's gonna negotiate a release which you're gonaa be dumb enough to give her and then she's gonna get out and kill us. It's exactly what she wants." Ava starts walking away and says, "I don't really care." Damon says, "It's a bad idea, Ava." Ava says, "It's Elena." Later, Ava meets with Bonnie and tells her that Elena's missing and that she needs to get into the tomb to see Katherine. Bonnie says, "I can't undo what the tomb spell, Ava. Even if I wanted to. It took both me and my grams to do it the first time." Ava says, "Alright, but I can open the door, though, right? I can talk to her?" Bonnie says, "Yeah, but Damon's right. She's not gonna tell you anything. Not without something in return." Ava says, "I know, but, Bonnie, I have to do something. I have no idea who has Elena. I have no idea where she is." Bonnie says, "What if there was another way to find her?" Later, Ava walks into Alaric's classroom with a duffle bag and she sees Bonnie and Jeremy and she says, "Alright, Alaric said we have to clear out of here within 10 minutes. I got weapons. He stocked me up." Bonnie looks at Jeremy and she says, "Are you ready?" Jeremy nods and Bonnie draws blood from Jeremy's hand and the blood drips onto the map and Bonnie does the spell and Ava watches the blood trial move and it stops, and Bonnie points and says, "There. She's there." Jeremy says, "That's 300 miles away." Ava says, "No, Bonnie, we need a more exact location than that." Bonnie says, "That's as close as I can get." Jeremy says, "We can map it. Aerial view. It'll show us what's around there help us narrow down the area." Ava looks at Jeremy and says, "Perfect. Call me with whatever you find." As Ava's walking away with the duffle bag of weapons, Jeremy says, "No, no, I'm coming with you." Ava looks at Jeremy and says, "No, Jeremy, you're not." Jeremy stands in Ava's way and says, "No, I'm not gonna sit here. What if she's hurt, okay? Or worse, what if she's..." Ava says, "She's not. You two go back to your house, just in case. I'm gonna call you the minute I find her." Jeremy says, "Well, you can't do this alone." The door opens and Damon walks in and says, "She's not. Let's go." Ava says, "You're coming with me?" Damon says, "It's Elena." Later, the Salvatore siblings are on the road and Damon says, "Alaric sure likes his weapons." Ava's holding a vervain bomb in her hand and Damon looks at it and he says, "What the hell is that?" Ava says, "Well, it's a vervain bomb or a grenade launcher or something like that." Damon says, "Weird." Ava says, "Hey, how much further is it?" Damon says, "About 80 miles." Ava says, "Who do you think took her?" Damon says, "Someone from Katherine's past. She said she is running from someone. Maybe got the wrong girl." Ava looks at Damon and says, "Thank you. For helping me." Damon says, "Can we not do the whole road-trip-bonding thing? Cliche of it all makes me itch." Ava says, "Aw, come on, Damon. We both know that you being in this car has absolutely nothing to do with me anyway." Damon says, "That's where you wrong." Ava looks confused and says, "What?" Damon says, "I didn't just come for Elena. I also came for you. If went by yourself, you would definitely have gotten yourself killed." Ava softly smiles knowing that Damon cares about her well-being and Damon notices Ava's smile and he says, "Shut up." Ava says, "I didn't say anything." Damon says, "Yeah, well, your face did." Ava chuckles. Later, Ava says, "Getting close, Jeremy said there's an access road just past mile marker six." Damon reaches behind him to grab a blood bag and he starts drinking it. Damon says, "If you want some, just ask." Ava says, "I want some." Damon says, "Aw, that's so sweet. You wanna be all big and strong and save your girl. Oh, don't worry, I've got your back. You'll be fine." Ava says, "Not joking. I've been drinking a little every day. Been slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength." Damon hands Ava the bag and she drinks from it. Damon says, "Elena know you're drinking blood?" Ava hands Damon the bag back and Ava says, "I've been drinking hers." Damon nods and says, "Mm. How romantic. Since we're road-trip bonding remember the days when all you lived for was blood? You were the girl that would rip someone apart just for the fun of it?" Ava says, "You mean when I was more like you?" Damon says, "Yes, Ava, exactly. Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big, bad vampire. Wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that girl. By the way, what happened to that girl? She was a hoot." Ava says, "Guess she found something else to live for." Later, Ava and Damon arrive at the place where Elena is, and Ava grabs the bag of weapons. Ava says, "House should be just beyond those trees." As Ava's walking away, Damon follows after her and says, "Wait, now, I've got more experience than you do with this sort of thing." Ava says, "So, what's your point?" Damon says, "My point is whoever has Elena is probably, who was after Katherine in 1864 and before that." Ava says, "And?" Damon says, "And it puts them at 500 years old and strong. You sure you wanna do this?" Ava says, "Yeah, I'm certain I wanna do it." Damon says, "'Cause we go in that house we may not come back out." Ava says, "Alright, then I won't come out." Damon says, "So, noble, Ava." Ava says, "I can't think of a better reason to die. But you wanna stay here, I totally understand." Ava walks away with Damon following behind her. Later, Ava and Damon walk into the house and they split up. Ava speeds into the room and she's up the stairs and she says, "Up here." Damon's downstairs and he says, "Down here." Ava then shoots at stake at the vampire and she grabs Elena and she spends them away into a corner. Ava places her finger on her mouth silence Elena and the male vampire says, "Excuse me. To whom it may concern. You're making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So, I want the girl on the count of three. Or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" Elena appears at the top of the stairs, and she says, "I'll come with you. Just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out." The vampire speeds up where Elena is and he says, "What game are you playing with me?" Elena throws a vervain grenade at the vampire, and he screams. As the vampire goes to Elena, Ava appears and starts shooting the vampire with stakes and he's not going down, so Ava pushes him down the stairs and they both roll down. The vampire stands up and then Damon comes and stakes the vampire through his heart, and he dies. The female vampire disappears, and Elena says, "Just let her go." Elena smiles with relief at seeing Ava and she runs down the stairs and into her arms while Ava says, "You hurt? You, okay?" Elena nods and says, "I'm okay." Later, Ava's at home and she walks into the living room to see Damon drinking and he says, "Where's Elena?" Ava says, "She's home." Damon says, "And you're here why?" Ava says, "'Cause she wanted to be with Jeremy." Damon hands Ava a glass of bourbon and says, "Here." Ava grabs it and says, "Thanks. Listen, uh, what Rose told Elena about the curse..." Damon says, "I know. We'll keep her safe." Ava softly says, "I know. Hey, I'm sorry." Damon looks at her confused and says, "For what?" Ava says, "For being the girl who made you turn 145 years ago." Damon says, "Enough, Aves. It's late. No need to rehash that." As Damon turns away, Ava says, "Well, you know what? I've never said it out loud. I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it. I'm sorry. What I did was selfish. I didn't want to be alone. Guess I just needed my brother." Ava then walks away and walks into her bedroom.
Later, Ava leaves her room and goes into the kitchen to get something to eat when she feels someone speed past her, and she looks up and she sees no one. Someone breezes past her again and she sees no one. Ava speeds over to the kitchen drawer and she takes out a stake that she keeps stashed just in case there's an intruder. Ava says, "Who's there?" The female vampire known as Rose appears and she says, "I'm not here to hurt you." Ava says, "Why are you here?" Rose says, "Lexi once told me that you were one of the good ones." Ava says, "You knew Lexi." Rose says, "Trevor was my best friend. For 500 years, I have lived with one person. And he's gone. And I don't wanna run anymore because I don't have anywhere else to run to." Ava says, "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't help you." Rose says, "I don't need your help. But I think you need mine. Elijah may be dead, but this isn't over." Ava says, "What do you mean it's not over?" Rose says, "It isn't over. The Originals, they'll come for her. They have to. They're doing it for him." Ava says, "For who?" Rose says, "For Klaus."
The Vampires Diaries 2.0 {2}
VampireSomeone returns to Mystic Falls and it's the person that broke the relationship between the Salvatore siblings. Katherine comes back and not only does Ava and Damon want to know why she's back, but so does Elena. The Salvatore siblings and Elena fin...