Chapter 5

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"Finally he's gone, what'd I tell your Iris I knew he would turn against us." Maybe she was right before but, why did he say alone. Were not alone we have each other. And why did he look at me?

It had been an hour since he left, Asher was yet to return home. I got nervous but knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen. I looked for food to cook, I decided to make some tomato soup. I grabbed the stuff to make it and began cooking it.

The soup was done, I got bowls out and served Me, Levi, and Ruth. I turned off the stove then went to get them from their room.

"Ruth! Levi! I made dinner." I called outside of their room. I peeked inside and saw them sleeping. I went back and got my bowl then sat on the couch with my bowl. I turned on the tv and watched the news. Nothing came up so I guess they moved on but we couldn't be sure.

There was a knock on the door, as afraid as I was it could be Asher. So I grabbed a knife from the kitchen before seeing who it was. I looked in the crack and there was Asher. I opened the door excitedly. He had Dominic right by him.

"Oh its you again." I rolled my eyes. I didn't feel like shouting and getting emotional again. I got out of the way of the door so they could walk into the house.

"Yea Asher said I should explain why Im here and how I can help y'all."

"Ruths not gonna be happy."

"She'll be fine."

"I made some tomato soup its on the stove still if you want to get a bowl." I sat down back in my spot.

"We need to get Ruth and Levi in here to listen to what he has to say." Asher grabbed a bowl for himself and Dominic.

"Ruth and Levi are asleep right now." I gently blew on my soup.

"Well this is important."

He went to their room knocking on the door first. After no respond he entered their room. Next thing you know Ruth and Levi walked out yawning.

Ruth noticed Dominic within seconds. "Why is he here again? All he wants is to be feed cause he doesn't have his own money." She grumbled

"He has some explaining to do and I thought we could give him a chance."

"Why what does he have to offer!" Already grumpy from being woken up she was ready to yell at anyone.

"Money, food, supplies, updates, protection, insight, and much more all I need is a place to stay." He went up to Ruth smiling. "I think that's a pretty good deal."

She scoffs "How do we know your not bluffing." Levi sat next to me his head falling back onto the couch falling back asleep.

"I know him, he wouldn't do that to anyone, especially me." Asher says siding with Dominic.

"Fine but one slip up and your out got it?" She sat next to Levi taking his glasses off and putting them on the table.

"Oh and Ruth, im not a hundred percent sure but I believe your mom could have left to join the government." My stomach twisted. It felt the same as it did when I heard my name read out.

"What?" I sat up concerned, she did disappear out of no where but she wouldn't do that. Would she?

"I saw a women who fit your mothers description and get into some black sport car, and there is a huge prize for your capture. Not to worry you but, we probably need to relocate to somewhere else."

My jaw hurt from clinching it. My stomach sickened. I didn't think she would do that but its still possible. "What if it wasn't her and she comes back and we're not here anymore." I asked holding back tears. Ive cried so much im surprised I have tears left.

"It's not likely but I can get some of my friends to watch out just in case." He said assuringly, making feel a lot better.

"Okay, when do you think we should move and, where would we go?"

"As soon as possible," He replied, "I got a place close to here that would work."

Levi left to start packing up his and Ruth's room. I packed up the kitchen, and Ruth and Asher packed up the living room. Dominic called some of his friends to help us move without rising suspicion.

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