Chapter 11

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He must have forgotten to lock it back up when he walked out.

Asher checked the hallways for anyone but no one was there. I tried to stand up myself but I just fell back down from the pain. I grew faint and weak.

He looked back at me, "I promise I'll come back I don't want to put you in more danger."

"Don't leave me please, I can walk I will find a way." I begged him not to leave me alone but his mind was already set. He kissed me on the forehead leaving me.

I sat in the room thinking about the kiss. His delicate touch starved me. I wanted more. Standing up I checked the hallway, still empty.

Theres no way the men who kidnapped us, who tortured us, who killed us would let us off that easy. No there had to be a trick. It had to. be. Something wasn't adding up.

I gathered the rest of my strength I had left and stood up. It hurt like hell but I couldn't let Asher go alone. How far away would he be from me though? Plus with my back how could I catch up to him?

I stumbled my way over to the door and looking out at the hall once more. I headed out the door and began making my way down the halls.

They were white walls with gray concrete floors. The walls were freakishly tall and the hallway was long and wide.Barley anything was in them other then doorways, the occasional trashcan, and blood smears.

I made my ways through them slowly, limping slightly. I leaned against the wall for extra support. I turned the corner to head into the next one.

Suddenly the hallways flashed red and there was an obnoxiously loud alarm flooding the once quiet halls. Panicked I tried multiple doors to see if any were unlocked. Luckily one was I quickly hid in there praying Asher was ok.

My hands searched the wall for a light switch to turn on. As I looked I felt something cold and moist brush against my hand. I jumped back hitting my head on the door and covering my mouth with my hand.

I began crying again. My back was hurting more then ever. My head hurt. I could loss Asher. Levi. Ruth. Dominic. I sobbed melting into my hands.

But I knew I couldn't give up that easy. I pulled myself back up and tried finding a light switch. Finally I hit it and turned it on. I saw thousands of bodies stacked up on each other. It had to be all the bodies from everyone from this year at least. I gagged seeing them, my mom, the mail man and everyone else.

I pulled myself together before heading back out. Trying to run to the best of my abilities but I only could jog. Even then it was a very slow and wobbly jog. I made my way down the hallway.

A voice called out "Hey stop Iris!". It was Ashers, I turned around seeing him behind me with Levi, Ruth, and Dominic.

"Guys!" I waddled my way over to them hugging them tightly.

"I hate to be that person but can we hug later theres kinda people trying to kill us right now." Dominic broke our hug.

"Right! So we need to find a way out," Asher said running to the nearest window, "Ok I have a plan but we have to jump out a window." He came back over to us.

"A what?" Ruth exclaimed, she had a huge fear of heights since she was a kid.

"I know you don't like them but right now we have no other option." Asher picked me up on his back.

We all ran to the window. We were at least ten stories up. There was ledges we could easily hold onto but it was still nerve racking. He unlocked it and began climbing down. I loosely held on to prevent from choking him on accident.

Next was followed by Ruth and Levi. Ruth was latched on to Levi. She was hyper ventilating like crazy. There no way she would have been able to climb down alone.

Dominic climbed out and closed the window making it harder for us to get caught. He caught back up to all of us.

We got about half way down the building before taking a short break. Ruth calmed down a bit more being closer to the ground. After a minute we made are way further down the door.

Finally we made our way down, we quickly took off running. Finally free of them. But it couldn't be that easy? They had to be up to something. They're always a step ahead of us.

And just like that gun fire broke out. We couldn't tell which way they were coming from but they were shooting rapidly at us. We kept running heading towards the gate of the place.
Only a few yards away the gate began closing, they weren't gonna let us leave.

The gate fully shut by the time we got to it. We started to climb over it but Dominic fell to the floor. I look back seeing him clutching his chest. He had been shot.


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