Chapter 4

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September 15th

It's been almost a few months since I have actually seen Josh in person. We've texted pretty much every day, Skyped almost every night. Just seeing his face and hearing his voice made my day ten times better. It was pretty obvious I missed him dearly. It was the start of the new school year and I already wanted it to end.

11:04am, the bell is just about to ring to declare that it is lunch time and I couldn't be happier, my day is half over.

As the bell finally rang, I stood up from my desk and grabbed my things and approached the door. I walked out into the hallway and was greeted by my best friend Rachel who happened to have no class before lunch.

"Hey you," She smiled and skipped happily to my side. "How was class?" she continued to ask.

"Dreadful, thanks for asking" I said sarcastically. In my pocket I could feel my phone vibrating and reached in to get it.

It was a text from Josh.

"Hello beautiful, I miss you terribly. I hope your day is going great."

I smiled at his message; it made me happy that he was thinking of me.

"My day is boring and crappy. It would be ten times better if you were actually here. I miss you too. 3"

I wrote back and put my phone back in my pocket and looked back up at Rachel who was putting her things in her locker. I opened mine and put my things in it; grabbing my lunch and locking it back up. We walked a lap around the school before we found a good spot to sit and have lunch. We talked about random things, school, boys, when we were going to hangout, etc. Before I knew it, it was time to go to class.

I walked back to my locker, put my things away and grabbed my books for class. When I reached the classroom, I put my things down on my desk and laid my head on top of my book and closed my eyes for a quick nap. I didn't really care much about what the teacher had to say. I slept through most of the class. Before it ended, a girl had walked over to me to ask for some help.

I stood from my desk, leaving all of my belongings on top of it as I leant over to help her with her work. Before the bell rang I went back to my desk to gather my belongings but something was missing. My cellphone was gone. My brand new fucking iPhone was gone.

Sure I was pretty pissed off about it being gone and not knowing who had taken it but I was really pissed off that I didn't have any way to get in contact with Josh until I reached a computer. I flipped out at everyone but no one had spoken up. I left the class room in tears and sat over by my locker until I calmed down.


I sat there in science class just waiting for the class to end. There was only a couple minutes left before the bell was set to ring. In my pocket I could feel my phone vibrating, I grabbed it and took a quick look. It was from Sia's boyfriend, Josh. I was slightly confused on why he was texting me.

"Rachel, what the heck happened to Sia? Why isn't she answering my text messages?!"

That was strange, Sia always answered his messages. There was no reason she wouldn't.

The bell had finally rang and I made my way out of the classroom and down the hall towards my locker where I saw Sia just getting off the ground, wiping her eyes. She had been crying.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked.

"Someone stole my fucking phone." She said, choking back a sob.

"Who the hell is that sketchy?" I said anger in my voice.

All she could do was shrug her shoulders and stare at the ground. I took my phone out of my pocket and quickly responded to Josh.

"Someone stole her fucking phone. That's why she didn't answer your message. She's literally standing here crying her face off, she's so pissed." I wrote and then looked back at her. She hadn't really moved.

"Fucking hell. I'll kill the twat who did it. I need a favor Rachel."

A favor from me? Interesting.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I'm actually in town, was going to get her from school to surprise her. Don't tell her I'm coming, but maybe ask her if she wants to hangout after school yeah?"

I could go along with this, maybe this would cheer her up. I knew how badly she wanted to see him.


-One hour later-

This day had finally come to an end, thank god. It was the worst day of my entire life so far. I have no cellphone, a boyfriend who is far away and no way of contacting him. It was driving me crazy.

I walked silently back to my locker with Rachel and began packing my bag.

"Hey, did you want to hangout for a bit? Get your mind of things?" Rachel looked at me with a small smile on her face. I guess hanging out could be a good thing.

"Sure, sounds fun." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as I could.

I finished getting all my things together and locked my locker. Rachel and I walked out the front door together and stood by the wall talking for a bit before deciding on what to do. Our plans were soon interrupted when I was greeted with the best surprise ever. It made my day.

I glanced over to the parking lot and saw Josh walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. I dropped my bag beside Rachel and ran right at him and jumped into his arms. His arms wrapped around my waist as he held me tightly before putting me on the ground.

I was so happy to finally be in his arms again. I looked up at him with tears of happiness and kissed him softly on the lips before I took his hand and walked over towards Rachel.

"Did you know he was coming?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Yes, he asked me to help surprise you." She smiled.

"Did it work love?" Josh asked me in his flawless voice.

"Clearly." I smiled.

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