Chapter Nine

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Josh and I lay peacefully in bed, cuddled closely. I laid there in silence with my head rested upon his chest, my eyes closed as I just listen to his heart beating. I would have been content to lie here all day and apparently that’s what we did. The TV had been on most of the morning, but we had been too wrapped up in each other to pay attention to it or to notice what time it was. It was nearly 2 in the afternoon.

I really needed to have a shower and maybe get dressed. I really didn’t want Max to get back here and think that all we did today was have sex and lay around even though that’s what we did. Josh may be comfortable with his friends thinking that but I don’t really know or trust them as much as I trust Josh.

I lifted my head from Josh’s chest to see his eyes closed, looked like he could have fallen asleep. I gently moved his arms from around me, trying not to wake him up. It seemed to work. I rolled out of the bed silently and walked to the bathroom naked. I started the water for the shower and moments before stepping inside I heard a groan and movement from the bed.

“Love?” Josh called out

I sighed, running my hands through my hair and opened the bathroom door, sticking my head out.


“What are you doing, I awoke and you were not in my arms where you belong.” He pouted playfully and bit his lip.

“Are you naked in their love?” he continued.

“Obviously I am! I’m going to have a shower,” I said sarcastically and shut the bathroom door again before he could say anything else to me.

I stepped into the shower and began to wash myself down, and then as I began to start washing my hair, I heard the bathroom door open. In walked in my naked boyfriend. He opened the shower curtain and climbed in.

“Can I shower with you?” he asked, looking at me shyly.

“You’re already in here so sure….but it’s just a shower, nothing more. Four times is enough in a day.” I smiled and poked him, he smiled.

Josh smiled and took the shampoo bottle from my hand, before I could object I watched him carefully. He poured a small amount into his hand and then put it down. Using his free hand, he turned me around so my back was facing his front and he brought his hands up to my head and began to wash and massage my head.

I hummed silently, closing my eyes and just enjoying the sensation. We finished up quickly, getting out and drying each other off. I stood in front of the mirror, gently combing through my hair as I watched Josh’s reflection in the mirror. He walked up and stood behind me, leaning his head down to the curve of my neck and gently planting kisses along my neck to my shoulder.

“You’re too kind to me.” I said, my voice cracking.

“Because you amaze me,” he said, his voice husky as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you.,” I smiled.

We walked out into the room and put on some clothes and spent a good part of the afternoon lounging around in front of the television, eating room service.

An hour or so later Max was banging on the door. Josh got up and let him inside. The look on Max’s face was priceless, like he had just won the lottery. I grabbed my phone quickly and sent a text to Rachel.

DETAILS WOMAN! Max just got in, he looks so happy.”

As I waited patiently for her to respond Josh started bombarding Max with questions.

“Did you kiss her man?” Josh looked at him all excited.

“More than once,” Max smiled, blushing as he thought about it.

“You cheeky little boy” Josh smiled and nudged him.

“You’re not the only one with a girlfriend now mate.” Max laughed and nudged him back.

“Double dates with me and my fine lady now yeah mate?” Josh laughed and walked back over to me, pulling me off the bed and into his arms.

“You suck at giving details Max, I’ll get the whole story from Rachel” I laughed, kissed Josh on the cheek and settled into his arms and took my phone out of my pocket.

Picnic in the park, we talked about life, childhood experiences, likes and dislikes, he kissed me, he asked me to be his girlfriend and now I’m happy

Rachel had replied. I loved it. Double dates, dates to concerts to watch our men play. This is exciting.

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