Chapter Thirteen

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I’ve been home for almost a month now and it’s been the longest and loneliest month of my life, I wanted to share every detail of my life with Sia. I wanted her to be here to witness all the things I did, I wanted to show here more than just the usual backstage at a concert. I could almost see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl.

Today we had a meeting with our managers, all of us sat around the table, me in silence while the guys continued to talk. It’s taken a lot of effort for me to get into the group conversations lately and I’ve noticed that Max is almost the same way. We’ve both been a little hollow since leaving our other halves back in Canada.

I sat here in silence, staring down at my phone while I went through pictures of Sia and I. My mind wandered like crazy as I thought about her soft lips against mine, her small frame pressed tightly against my manly figure, the way she blushes and looks down when she tells me she loves me and most importantly how flawless and perfect each part of her body is while we make love. Though she wouldn’t want to admit it, she is perfect. My thoughts continued to go into more detail as I could feel my heart beat increasing from the excitement.

“Oi, mate!” Dan shouted as he waved his hands in front of my face.

I shook my head softly, coming back to reality, the place I so much despised as it didn’t have her in it.

“Sorry man,” I sighed and tried to get into the conversation. Soon enough our tour manager walked in.

“Guy’s I’ve got some bad news for you.” He said as he walked in and sat down with a pile of stuff.

“I know many of you had made plans to go visit family and friends after this week is done but unfortunately lads, your trip will be extended another month. We’ve got a lot of promoting to do and I’ve managed to set up some studio time and interviews.” He said.

My heart sunk as I heard the words he was saying to me. I’d be here another month. I glanced over and Max as we both exchanged looks of sadness and anger. Sia’s birthday was in the next week and now I wouldn’t be there to see her. I had no idea what I would say to her, it would crush her heart and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.

“That’s all lads, have a great day. Sorry for the inconvenience” Our manager said before he left.

The rest of the band looked at Max and I with sorry eyes.

“Are you going to be okay man?” Matt asked as he went to put a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged his hand off of me and pushed my seat away from the table and stood up. I ran my hand through my tasseled hair and sighed.

“Fucking brilliant. I fucking miss her like crazy, it’s her birthday soon and now I’ll be missing that. I’m such a shit boyfriend. Fuck sakes.” I growled before kicking my chair and storming out of the room and walking home.

As I was walking to stopped outside of an antique shop, a shiny necklace had caught my eye. I walked inside to take a look. It was a hearts shaped locket necklace. This would be perfect for Sia; I could put a picture of us in it. I had already bought her a gift but this would just be an added bonus. Since someone had stolen her iPhone and she was stuck using a crappy phone I decided I’d buy her a new iPhone and have something engraved in the back.

Once I arrived home, I told my parents that I would be here longer than anticipated and then walked downstairs to my room and put the necklace in the gift bag for her.

I walked over to my bed, grabbed my laptop and went to see if she was on Skype. Before I knew it she was calling me. I accepted my stomach queasy because I had no idea how to break the news.

“Hi!” She smiled sweetly.

“Hi love, you look lovely.” I smiled

She blushed, it was adorable. Oh how badly I wanted to touch her cheek, to feel her warmth on my hand.

“I’m really excited to see you!” She said excitedly

My heart was sinking and I felt so bad for having to ruin her evening with what I had to tell her. She noticed my sadness and silence.

“Baby…what’s wrong….” She asked hesitantly as if she already knew what I was going to tell her.

“I love you so much and I feel like such a shit boyfriend for what I’m about to tell you love,” I said, my voice shaking.

Her face expression was unreadable for a moment before I watched her try to secretly wipe away some tears.

“What happened…?” She asked.

“Baby, my manager needs us to stay longer to do some more promotions and interviews” I said sadly.

“How much longer…” She wondered sadly.

“……One month, baby…” My voice cracked as I lost my composure and tried to hold back a wimpy tear.

I stared at her face, she was angry, she was sad. Tears we’re coming from her eyes as I watched her try to steady her breathing. Oh how badly I wanted to hold her tightly.

“Baby, I wish I could just hold you right now.” I said sadly

She nodded and took another deep breath before speaking.

“One…fucking…month. My birthday’s next week…” She spoke angrily.

She had every right to be angry.

“I know love; I bought you some gifts and everything. I was so excited to see you.” I said

“I need to go now. I love you.” She said quickly and wiped her tears.

“I love you too, so much.” I said and before I knew it she was gone.

How stupid of me to leave her in such a fragile condition. Sometimes I really hated my job. 

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