Chapter 5

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As I stood on this stage, sweating and singing the final words to Little Death, the song we chose to close with tonight, all I could think of was Sia. We've been together for a couple months and I think of her every time I'm on stage. I think of how I wish she was standing back stage, ready to greet me as I walk off with the guys, but unfortunately she wasn't. She was at home.

We finished our set and walked off the stage, allowing our crew to tear down for us. I grabbed my things and walked into our dressing room, beating the guys there. I sat down on the couch, took out my iPhone to see if Sia had responded to my texts from earlier. There was nothing, which was strange because she usually responds right away. I checked twitter just as the guys were walking in and noticed that Sia had made a post from a computer. We had just finished a show here in Europe, knowing there was a 5 hour time difference; she still should have been at school.

"Worst fucking day ever, fuck." Was what she had wrote on twitter so I tried texting her again.

"Babe, I saw your twitter, you can't hide from me love. What's wrong beautiful?" Words could only do so much and I knew that. I wish I could be there to hold her.

"Oi, mate! Quit your texting yeah? Manager wants to chat with us." Chris said as he came and sat down beside me on the couch. Our manager was standing by the door.

"Great show tonight guys, great way to end this mini tour. You guys get a few weeks off, spend it wisely." He spoke.

A few weeks, perfect. I knew how I was going to be spending this, hopefully with Sia. When our manager had left I checked my phone again, still no message back. I was getting a little worried and decided I'd text her friend Rachel.

"What happened to Sia? She won't answer my damn text messages!" I may have sounded a little ticked off but I'm a little concerned.

"Someone stole her iPhone! That's why she hasn't been responding" I'm going to kill whoever took her phone. How dare they.

I looked over at my band mates who were busy stuffing their faces.

"I'm going to head out to the airport, going to take the jet to go see Sia." I announced, everyone nodded and told me to tell her I said hello, except for Max. Max got right up and said he was coming with me and when Max made up his mind about something there was no telling him otherwise.

We made our way to the airport, only took us forty-five minutes to get there and then we boarded the jet. I wanted to get there as soon as I possibly could, so flying first class on a high speed jet seemed like a good plan. Cut my travelling time in half. I should be there in a couple hours.


It's about 2pm in Canada, when we arrived at the airport, we grabbed our bags and rented a car from the airport. It was roughly a thirty minute drive to get to Sia's school. I sent a quick text to her friend Rachel.

"I want to surprise her, don't let her catch her bus. Ask her to hangout, I'll be at the school in 10 minutes"

I arrived at the school by 2:40 and sure enough, there she was out front with Rachel. I pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. I could hardly contain my excitement. I wanted to run towards her, but didn't want to cause a huge scene.

"You going to come with me mate or wait in the car?" I asked Max as I began to get out of the car.

"I'll be there in a few man." Max said and I nodded.

I shut my door and started walking towards her; she saw me and dropped her things. She ran right at me and jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her and then lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I just held her and kissed her. It was so natural and so perfect to be able to hold her like this again. I smiled under her lips and then set her back down on the ground but kept her close to my side.

"Did I surprise you love?" I smiled at her and watched her wipe some tears from her face.

"Clearly," She laughed and nudged me. "Did you come alone?" She asked curiously, but before I had the chance to answer Max had walked up to join us.

"Would I let him come alone?" Max laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and turned to Rachel.

"This is Max, Max this is Rachel." I gestured between the two of them and Max walked towards her, took her hand into his and brought it to his face.

"Pleasure to meet you love," He smiled and kissed her hand.

"God Max you're so cheesy!" Sia laughed and shook her head. The look on Rachel's face was priceless. It seemed like she didn't really know how to handle Max at all. But she smiled, blushing at the same time and nodded.

"Nice to meet you too," She said.

"Well what are we going to do? I really don't fancy having Max as a third wheel the whole time love. Rachel, you fancy coming along with us?" I looked at her and waited for her to respond.

"Sure, sounds like fun." She smiled and looked over at Sia.

Max looked at me and winked. He was such a flirt; he had been single for a few years so I was curious as to how he was going to approach Rachel.

Sia looked up at me, her eyes held a question, her face hesitant.

"Yes love?" I smiled and pulled her body closer to mine.

"Can we go see a movie?" She smiled, not a big smile. A movie sounded like a great idea, nothing like sitting in the dark with your girl. I might not be able to focus on the movie.

"Sounds good to me, everyone else in?" I asked.

Everyone else nodded and we walked towards our rental car. We got inside and drove to the theatre. We chose a random romantic comedy and walked into the theatre. We chose seats near the back of the theatre. Sia beside me, Rachel beside her and Max beside Rachel.

As the movie started, I wrapped my arm around Sia and she rested her head on my shoulder. The arm rests in this theatre were able to be put down if need be, so we put ours down. Sia rested her legs on top of mine and cuddled closely to me. Just to hold her like this felt amazing.

A little ways through the movie I glanced over towards Max and Rachel. Max had managed to get Rachel in his arms and I saw him go in to kiss her. She accepted! I was pleased that they were at least getting along great. Maybe they could end up like Sia and I. I looked back down at my beautiful girlfriend and moved a strand of hair from her face. She gazed up at me and leaned forward. I brought my face closer to hers and we began to kiss. My free hand was rested upon her leg as I slowly moved it up to her upper thigh as we continued to kiss deeply. When she pulled away for a breath, my lips travelled down the side of her face and to her neck. I sucked gently at the skin on her neck and under her ear, giving gentle love bites. She shivered lightly at the sensation. I drew back and looked at her with sexually frustrated eyes. She was incredibly beautiful and she was all mine. I could hardly believe it. She smiled at me and rested her head back down on my shoulder and let out a content sigh.

I didn't need anything more than this, I could hold her forever and that's what I planned to do. I didn't want to lose this

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