Chapter Twenty-One

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I awoke to Rachel lying contently beside me, still sleeping. She was perfect. If I hadn’t come down to Canada with Josh that one time to get Sia…I may have never met Rache’ and I would be as happy as I was now. I looked down at this girl, this perfect girl and I was completely content with my life. No matter how insane things got with my career, she was there every step of the way. I’m also very blessed that she is able to put up with my joking attitude, what an angel she is. Unfortunately for us this would be the last day that we would spend together before her and Sia had to head back to Canada. It wasn’t going to be a boring one, I’ve made sure to plan plenty of exciting things for her.

My hand gently made its way to the small of her back as I moved my head close to hers and whispered in her ear.

“Love, wake up it’s almost noon.” I smiled and kissed her temple and soon enough she awoke.

“No, I’m staying right here.” She grumbled and tossed the blanket over her head.

“I’ve got a whole day of activities planned just for you, to ensure that you have an amazing last day.” I said. “But of course if you want to just stay here and sleep all day….” I said teasingly.

“Fun activities? I’m open to hear the possibilities” she laughed and sat up from the bed. Her hair was in a messy bun. She would tell you that she looked like a mess but she never looked more perfect to me.

“Don’t stare at me so intensely, I look like sleep” She smiled and shook her head.”

“You do not. You look perfect” I laughed and tackled her back down and hovered over her.

“You goof. What are we doing today?” She smiled.

“Whatever you want love,” I winked teasingly before continuing. “But no, I thought I’d treat you out for a movie, dinner and a fun night on the town” I smiled.

“That sounds good to me.” She smiled and leaned forward to kiss me.

“I thought so. Get up and shower sleepy head.” I laughed and ruffled her hair; she gave me a sour look.

Soon after we had finished getting ready, we were dressed and out the door. It was a perfect sunny day and I was happy about that. The perfect weather for the perfect day with the perfect girl. My hand quickly found hers, our fingers intertwined as we walked down the street together.

Luckily for me, I happened to live close to central London. It was quite easy to get from place to place quickly and in an “environmentally friendly way”. Rachel had some many quirky personality traits that I just adored and her love for the environment was just one of them.

When we arrived at the theatre, I let her choose the movie and then I bought her some treats. I couldn’t tell you what the movie was called for the life of me. I was too busy being like any other love sick boy – just paying more attention to her than any other human being on this planet. Before I had the privilege of meeting Rachel, I’d always been sort of jealous of Josh. He seemed to have the perfect relationship with Sia. All he would do is talk about her and I couldn’t wait to experience exactly what he felt with her but with someone of my own….and I finally had that. I had this girl right in front of me whom I never wanted to let go. I would do anything for her, warm her when she’s cold, defend her when needed, comfort her when hurt and love her with every fiber of my being. If there were anything perfect, it was her.

She guided me into the theatre and chose our seats near the back. We sat down, I handed her a bag of popcorn and placed her soda down in the drink tray beside her. She thanked me softly and began to snack on her popcorn, watching the movie trailers.

Soon after the movie had ended, we went for a walk through downtown London and made our way down to the pier. The sun was just starting to set; we sat down at a near bench. Rachel stared out at the lake in amazement; lights along the pier began to light up and make the view even more amazing. On the horizon area was the London Eye Ferris Wheel. I place a small box upon her lap and nudged her slightly.

“Babe, open ‘er up.” I said with a smile.

Rachel glanced down at her lap and smiled as she picked up the box. She gave me a small, curious look before she opened the box. Inside of it was a necklace locket with a picture of us and a small message on the back. “Forever.”

She looked up at me and smiled. “Help me put it on?” She asked and handed me the necklace as she moved her hair out of the way. I clasped it around her neck and then leant my head down close to hers and softly kissed along her shoulder.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful” She said softly.

“As are you.” I spoke proudly.

We made our way over to the London Eye, I bought us two tickets and on we get. We sat close together as the wheel began to go up. It had the best view of the entire city.

“You know Rachel,” I began to say as I grabbed her hand. “Just because you’re going home tomorrow doesn’t mean anything. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know that we have the power to really make this work out. This isn’t the end, this is only the start of a new adventure and with you – anything is possible.”

She looked at me, smiled and I kissed her before she could say one more word. 

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