Chapter Nineteen

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Josh, I think I might be pregnant.” Sia spoke, her words coming out shaky. The poor girl looked as if she was about to pass out any second. Pregnant? No. We’ve been extremely careful.

Though I wanted badly to reach out and comfort her, I couldn’t move my frozen frame. Pregnant? How was I going to balance this? My career was just taking off. What kind of father would I be if I had to leave her and our child alone to go on tour for months at a time. A father, would I even be a good one?

I woke up. This was just a dream and for a moment I was thankful. I glanced around the room, first at the clock on the wall. It was almost noon. I then noticed that Sia was nowhere to be seen in my room. I started to panic. I ran over to my desk and grabbed my cellphone, there was a message from her.

“You looked too peaceful, I didn’t want to wake you. I went for a walk, needa clear my head. Love you.” --Sent at 10:45am.

Clear her head? What could she possibly be worrying about, I take care of her. I didn’t like to watch her struggle, it hurt me. I knew that she didn’t always think highly of herself, but to me it doesn’t matter what she says, she’s still the brightest star in my universe.

I noticed she had been gone a long while, before I decided to call her, the door opened and I heard her small footsteps come down the stairs.

“Good afternoon.” She said with a small smile.

I smiled in return and opened my arms up to her. “Come here,” I said. "I missed you when I woke up." I said with a chuckle.

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my back, my arms wound tight around her. Her head fit perfectly under my chin. I sighed contently and just held her in my arms, I kissed her forehead softly.

“Is everything okay?” I asked nervously.

“Yup.” She said without looking at me.

“What we’re you thinking about?” I asked curiously and looked her over carefully.

“About me, about us.” She mumbled.

“Oh? Continue.” I encouraged.

She sighed, releasing me from her hold and grabbing my hand, leading me towards the bed. She pushed me down into a sitting position and that stood in between my legs.

“I feel like…I’m not enough for you? You give me so much and you have so many opportunities and I’m just this average girl, I’m not sure what I’m able to give you.” She sighed and wiped a small tear from her eye.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I looked up into her eyes and with all seriousness said the following.

“Hey, shhh. You shouldn’t be worrying about such silly things. You’ve given me you, you’ve let me into your life, you let me get to know you and you let me share things with you. You’re the most patient and loving person I know. You give me support when it comes to my dreams. You are far from average. You’re everything I need.”

My voice began to shake as I stood from the bed and pulled her body closer to mine. I hated when she would doubt herself. It drove me crazy. I held her tightly and closed my eyes contently, whispering ‘I love you’ into her ear.

We spent most of our day lying in bed watching movies and occasionally playing video games – that and having sex a few times. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to live without her and to make her understand that, I think I might buy her a promise ring. I was going to try and enjoy the amount of time we had left together because I know her trip is quickly coming to an end. The band and I we’re about to head back into the studio and then prepare for our tour and Sia was going to go back to school. As much as I wanted to spend every single day of my life with her I knew that this was the way our life was going to be and that we’d have to work hard at it every single day just to be able to make it work. But it was worth it, she was worth it. I was going to do everything I could to make the last bit of her trip fantastic. A few bands that she likes are doing a show in a couple days and I managed to score some tickets, it will be an amazing surprise.

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