Chapter Eighteen

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Ever since Josh and I had publicly announced our relationship, I had been getting a lot of attention. I’ve gained massive amounts of Twitter followers, I’ve been asked to be interviewed and once even asked for a picture. For the most part I could handle it, but that didn’t stop the massive amounts of death threats I’d receive almost daily. Josh doesn’t know about them because I wouldn’t want him to freak out.

I knew all of this came with the territory of dating a rock star. Over obsessive fans would stop at nothing to get a chance with their idols. As I sat in Josh’s room, checking my twitter on my new iPhone while he was in the shower, I read what had been sent to me over night. There were some positive things, compliments. But then I saw the hate.

You’re a fucking slut, Josh’s too good for you.”

Kill yourself.”

I’m better off for him then you are”

You’re such an unattractive fat whore. How does he even like you?”

Nothing like your daily dose of hate to cripple someone’s self-esteem.

I heard the shower stop, Josh walked out wrapped in his towel. I hid my phone and quickly tried to keep a straight face.

“Hello beautiful,” He said with a smile as he walked towards me, leaning down to kiss me sweetly.

“Hi. Go dry off silly.” I smiled slightly and nudged him.

He nodded and stuck his tongue out, messing up my hair as he walked back into the bathroom.

I got my phone out once again to see if there was any more hate…and there was. The latest one was tweeted at both Josh and I.

“Josh, I’m way better for you than your ugly girlfriend”

Lovely. I glanced around the room to see if his phone was here and it was. It was sitting beside our bed, charging. I wondered curiously how he would react when he saw the tweet.

Josh walked back out of the bathroom wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button down shirt. He walked over and sat beside me, grabbing his laptop from the desk beside the bed. It only took him a few seconds to open up his accounts and go to twitter.

“What the hell!” he shouted and looked at me. “Babe, you see that tweet?” he growled.

“Yeah, I did…and the thousands of others I receive on a daily basis…” I mumbled and looked down at the bed.

Josh’s eyes snapped to my face as he reached over to grab my hand.

“Babe, show me.” He sighed and held my hand.

I handed him my phone as he sat there and read some of the messages I had received. His face turned red with anger. I brought our intertwined hands closer to my face and kissed his hand.

“Don’t worry about it,” I smiled softly.

“But I will. You’re everything to me. Don’t listen to a word any of them say baby. You’re everything I could ask for and more and I love you so much.” He said, almost getting emotional as he pulled me close to him. I clasped into his arms and sighed, allowing him to comfort me. It felt great to be loved.

“I’ll handle this okay,” he said again, letting go of me and typing something into his computer.

“Some fans I’ve got. I love you all – except the ones who continue to send death threats to my girl. Back the fuck up. I love her.”

“Babe, you didn’t need to do that.” I sighed.

“Yes I did. No one pushes you around.” He smiled slightly and closed his laptop, putting it back on the table.

I smiled and pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top of him. His arms wound around me and held me closer to him.

“You’re too nice to me.” I smiled and shook my head. “I’m not that special.” I teased.

“Oh yes you are. Only the most special girl in the world…I wish you’d see.” He smiled and kissed me passionately

I almost felt guilty sometimes. He always treated me so well and always gave me everything and it was like I didn’t have anything to give back to him. I’ve always felt like such an average girl, I always was an outcast. Back at home in Canada, at school…I wouldn’t say I had many friends just a few. I wasn’t popular, I probably wasn’t even thought of. I wasn’t a skinny preppy cheerleader. I was a girl who enjoyed simple things, who could just appreciate nature, get lost in a book. I never thought of myself eventually being in a committed relationship with a famous rock star. I always felt like I was holding him back, he has so many options and so many good opportunities in the world and I didn’t want him to throw anything away for me.

We both lay there in silence – me of course over analyzing every little detail of our time together. Him, I’m never sure what he thinks of.

“Babe, stop thinking so much. I think I see smoke coming from your ears” He joked and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and shook my head. “I can’t help it.” I stuck my tongue out.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m here.” He smiled lovingly and just held me close.

I trusted his words, let him comfort me and lay there contently. I really had to chill out.

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