Chapter Sixteen

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I awoke the next morning to Josh’s fingers lightly trailing up and down my back. Sighing softly, I rolled over onto my side to face him.

“Good morning love,” He smiled and pulled me closer to him.

“Good morning.” I groaned and buried my head in his chest.

“Get up! I’m going to take you out for brunch and then give you your birthday gift.” He said with a huge smile on his face as he shook me gently.

“Presents? That’s unnecessary Josh.” I sighed and sat up from the bed.

I was curious to see what he had got me; I didn’t like the fact that he was spending so much money on me. Money that I’m sure he didn’t have to spend. We both got out of bed and took a shower together. It was quick, no playing around. Once we we’re out we got dressed and headed up the stairs and out of his house, into the streets.

His fingers intertwined with mine as we walked down the street in silence, lightly swinging our arms between us. Soon enough we came to a small café. We entered the place and sat at a table near the window and ordered our food.

While we waited, Josh placed a small bag on the table in front of me. He looked as excited as a little kid in a candy shop.

“Well open it love!” He said, the smile on his face was adorable.

I grabbed the bag and pulled out a tiny box that looked like it held a necklace. I opened it and inside was a heart shaped locket, inside was a photo of Josh and I on the sky wheel.

“It’s beautiful, thank you!” I said smiling and put it on carefully.

“There’s more thought!” he said and pushed the bag closer to me.

Inside of the bag was another box. Curiously, I grabbed it and noticed the apple symbol on the box. I knew he would spend a lot of money on me. He is so in trouble. I gave him a stern look before I opened the box. Inside was a brand new iPhone with the following engraved on the back

To my girl,

I love you more than you know.

Happy birthday.

Love, Josh”

I gasped and held my new phone for a moment before setting it back in the box and reaching over to lightly hit Josh on the arm.

“Are you crazy!?” I said, my tone was slightly angry.

“Don’t you like it?” He said sadly.

“Of course I do! But didn’t we talk about you spending endless amounts of money on me! The flight here, the phone, the necklace. That’s all so expensive. I feel bad….”

The words were coming out of my mouth so fast, Josh reached across the table and put his finger to my lips to silence me before placing his hand upon my cheek lightly.

“You’re worth it. There is no dollar amount with you! You mean the world to me and I want to do anything to make you happy!” He said, smiling softly.

“Thank you, you big goof!” I said playfully and grabbed his hand from my face and kissed it softly.

“I’m a goof am I?” He said playfully.

“My goof.” I smiled softly and winked.

Our food came shortly after our conversation ended, we ate and then walked home together, hand in hand.

“Better not be any more surprises.” I said and nudged him lightly.

“Can’t guarantee that,” He said with a small laugh.

We soon approached his house, just as we walked through the door and took off our shoes, his arms wound around my waist, picking me up and carefully throwing me over his shoulder.

“LET ME DOWN!” I half yelled and laughed as he carried me down the stairs and into his room.

Luckily no one else from his family was home because my laughs and screams were extremely loud.

“And if I don’t?” He said playfully, stopping just before his bed

“There will be consequences.” I said playfully and winked.

“Oh really babe?” He said curiously before tossing me lightly onto the bed and crawling on top of me. His hands grabbed my arms and pinned them down above my head.

“Now this isn’t fair.” I said and pouted.

“Who said I was fair?” He said and lowered his face closer to mine.

“You’re quite lovely you know,” He continued to say as he kissed me softly.

I kissed him back, trying hard to be passionate which was difficult as I couldn’t exactly touch him.

“Let me go please,” I smiled and bit my lip.

“I guess I can…” He said slowly and released my arms.

I wasn’t very adventurous in the bedroom unlike Josh. He was more outgoing in everything he did – even in the bed. I was more laid back and reserved, very hesitant – especially in bed. Josh took advantage of my silence and hesitation, he placed one of his hands at my face and leaned down to kiss me once more.

“Happy birthday, I love you.” He smiled sweetly and looked down at me.

“I love you too.” I said and placed my hand over top of his that was on my face.

Soon enough he gave me another birthday gift – birthday sex.

I don’t think I’d ever really be able to give him as much as he was able to give me. 

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