Chapter Twenty

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“Babe, wake up.” Josh whispered sweetly in my ear.

I rolled over and groaned as I stretched, glaring towards the alarm clock. 10:45AM

It was probably a good idea to get out of bed anyways due to the time.

“What do you want?” I groaned and lightly punched his arm.

Josh lay beside me smiling sweetly. His one arm was propping himself up and his other was draped lightly around my waist.

“I have a surprise for you” He smiled even wider and pulled me closer towards his body, laying his face in the crook of my neck.

“I like surprises.” I mumbled and yawned..

“Do you now?” He chuckled, flipping me over to lie on my back as he then crawled on top of me.

“I think you’ll like this one love.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. “But you need to get out of bed first!”

Josh got off of me and walked into the bathroom to have a shower, giving me the time to actually properly wake up. A surprise, for me? He was always giving me things and I hardly ever gave him anything in return. What a silly boy.

I sighed and rolled out of the bed and slid down onto the floor. I slowly got up and walked around the room looking for clues on what exactly this surprise might be. My search turned up empty so I gave up. I walked over to our dresser and opened the top drawer, grabbing the necessary things such as bra. I opened the second drawer and grabbed a plain white tank top and one of Josh’s button up shirts and then a pair of shorts.

I got dressed quickly and then walked into the bathroom where Josh was still in the shower.

“Do you need something love?” He asked, sticking his head out the curtain.

“Don’t mind me, just getting all beautiful” I smiled

“You’ve done that already” He smirked and closed the curtain up.

I blushed and grabbed my makeup bag off the back of the toilet and began to put on my makeup. It didn’t take me too long and by the time I was done Josh was finished in the shower. He got out and wrapped a towel around his waist and stood behind me, looking in the mirror.

“You look lovely. I like the shirt.” He smirked and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

“I thought you would. But you’re getting me all wet!” I groaned playfully and unwound his arms.

“Am I now?” He winked and nibbled at my neck.

“Stopppppp!!” I squealed.

After he had released me I left the bathroom and went to go sit out on the bed. Josh came out shortly after.

“So do I get to know what the surprise is?” I questioned.

“Yes, hold on” He smiled and walked over to the desk and then came and sat beside me on the bed, pulling me closer to him.

“Close your eyes.” He said and then placed an envelope on my lap. “Open it up” he said.

I did as he asked and opened the envelope, inside was two tickets to Death Cab for Cutie. My eyes widened and then I nudged him. “You didn’t, did you?” I spoke as I looked at the tickets. We had a front row view and a backstage pass. I nearly punched him.

“Well, I’d do anything for you.” He smiled.

“Rach, he bought me tickets to Death Cab. He’s crazy!” I whispered over the phone since Josh was still somewhere in the house.

“Correction, he’s crazy about you.” She spoke with a small laugh.

“What are you doing with our last few days here?” I asked questioningly since I haven’t seen much of her lately. She had been way too busy with Max.

“Max is taking me out for a romantic dinner and a movie and then apparently we’re going to be spending some time out on the town. I heard him trying to get tickets for the Ferris wheel thing.” She said.

“Oh that’ll be cute…So, we haven’t really had a heart to heart lately but…girl talk. Have you and Max…you know…slept together yet?” I asked curiously, friends tell each other everything.

“A few times, yes. You jealous?” She teased.

“No, no. I’m getting quite a lot from a very lovely man.” I laughed but then quickly got quiet as I heard Josh come down the stairs.

“A lot of what? From who?” He questioned.

“Uh oh- we’re caught!” Rachel teased.

“Oh shush!” I held a finger up to Josh telling him I’d be a moment. “Rachel, I’ll talk to you later.” I said before hanging up.

“You’re getting what from whom?” Josh asked again.

“Oh you know…sexual interactions from a boy.” I teased

“A boy? Is he any good?” He questioned and came to sit beside me.

“Quite.” I smiled and kissed him softly.

-At concert-

We had finally made it to the venue for Death Cab, we we’re in our seats in the front row, waiting until the first few bands were finished up. Occasionally we’d pay attention to them, sometimes we were just too wrapped up in each other.

When Death Cab had finally made their way out and began to play we got out of our seats and moved up a little closer to the gate surrounding the stage. A few songs into their set they had played the song Transatlanticism. I got very excited. I screamed and tugged on Josh’s arm. He looked at me and laughed, wrapping both of his arms around my waist and holding me close to him.

“I need you so much closer” He whispered in my ears as the band sang the song. Josh’s voice sent shivers up my spine.

I almost began to get sort of emotional knowing that this was the last bit of time I could spend here for now and that we’d be apart for a really long time. So the line “I need you so much closer” just totally fit our situation.

I placed my arms on top of his and rested my head against his shoulder.

This was one of the best gifts he could give me, the song made this moment so intimate that I knew I never wanted this to end but eventually things do come to an end and we have to live with it.

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