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So here I am with the first chapter no no no nooo don't worry this is not another intro it's a real chapter to start this book😂😂kkk let's move on to the story!!!


In a beautiful morning in LA there was an angel sleeping peacefully but who knew that this angel is the most devilish person alive.....and here infront of her two young boys and girls in there mid-20s were standing and bickering that who among them will wake the little devil up who's sleeping peacefully inside the room although they know that that lil devil won't do anything to them but still first she will curse and shout at the top of her lung for sure so.......you know😅
Just then they heard a loud thud followed by a loud shout and tons of curses and felt like that an earthquake has appeared although it was a real one as the devil inside have the power to destroy the world if she want😏so yeah but this was just a trailer😅😏
Then the oldest among them went inside and called out his princess after him all others also entered just to see the 205th alarm clock stattered on the floor while the devil is cursing it continuosly with her eyes closed
(I think you must've got to know who that devil and those 4 bickerers are so yeah they are those only who you are thinking 😉kk back to the story)

???? POV:-

Here I am with my siblings in front of a door and bickering about who will wake our dearest lil gem up who is the sweetest person alive for us and the most devilest person alive for the world😉😏 Suddenly we all flinch by hearing the loud thud and loud curses, then I got inside and saw my other siblings also came in after me and we saw our cute lil princess cursing at her 205th broken alarm clock with closed eyes she's literally cursing on that alarm clock which is on the floor now by now it's not even taking it's last breaths it's soul left it's body I maen if an alarm clock have one😅😅, (By the way I'm Arav the eldest brother among all my sibs and I'm here with my other sibs which are none other than Ariv mah twin bro and my two younger sistas wich are none other than Ara and Ari who also twins but are 1 year younger than us to wake up our princess who is none other than The Lee Arvi our youngest sissy enough of Introduction now back to story)
Then I called her out slowly
Arav- "Princess"

Arvi POV:-

I was sleeping peacefully until this stupid, bitch, idiot alarm clock of mine rang out aloud I grabbed that piece of shit and threw it away somewhere in my room and cursed it at the top of my lungs with mah eyes still closed as they don't wanna see this cruel world's cruelty, Suddenly I heard the door of my room opening sound but still I didn't stop and continued cursing at that lil piece of shit, Then suddenly I heard my eldest bros voice which is calling me out sweetly I slowly opened my eyes a lil and again layed down on my bed while covering my self with the blanket till my head then mah *Dudie* (what shooked so don't be and yes I call my bros as Dudie and sissys as Nuni as in the world all there fangirls/boys call them oppas, unnies, noonas, hyungs, etc so I am unique u know so yeah😉kk back to story)
Sweetly yet strictly said that "Princess if you don't wake up you will not get any chocolates or ice creams for a week" and I shoot open my eyes and said "I'm up Dudie I'm up please don't ban my chocolates or ice creams for even an hour pleasue"(while showing my none resistable puppy eyes🥺) and it did melt him and my other sibys yes now I saw that all my sibys are in mah room only then I said "Good Morning" to them cheerfully and hugged them one by one and vice versa they did the same thing hehe.....Then Ara Nuni said something which spoiled all of ours mood and our faces beacame from cute and sweet to the coldest one and we all said together ex Ara Nuni that "We remember" (in a cold yet sweet voice) and I went to the washroom to freshen up......

Ara POV:-

After waking our princess up we all said "Good Morning" (cheerfully) to each other and hugged eachother than suddenly I remembered that we have to go back to Korea today in the evening so I said "Hey guys do you all remember we have to go back to Korea today evening??" And all of our faces beacame cold and they all said in unison that "We remember" I nodded and Arvi went to the washroom to freshen up.....

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