
302 14 4

(The girls)

Previous chapter:-

????- I will be your worst nightmare, just wait and watch bitches!! (Smirk)


Present chapter:-

Next morning, Arav POV:-

When I went to my princess's room, as I know that no alarm clocks can wake the little devil up so I just went to wake her up and when I entered inside her room I saw the most unexpected thing infront of my eyes I got shocked and then I ran downstairs to call everyone soon all the Kim sibs, me and my other sibs were present in princess's room...

Jennie- S-someone p-pinch me, I am not dreaming right? (Whispered with widened eyes)

Suddenly Lisa pinched her hard and she whisper screamed, well all of us were talking while whispering so that we don't wake those cuties up...

Jennie- Yaahhh why you pinched me so hard!?! (Rubbing her arm)

Lisa- What eonnie, you only said to pinch you? (Whisper)

Jennie- Yeah but not this hard!! (Glare)

Suga- Aish seeing them, I am also feeling sleepy, lemme just go and sleep! (Yawn)

Jhope- Yeah you sleepyhead grumpy grandpa, you only know how to sleep no matter where or when! (Laughing silently)

Suga- Yeah yeah whatever!! (Roll eyes)

Ari- Aww my princess is looking so cute!! (Smile)

Ara- True but don't you think that Jimin should have slept between Jungkook and princess? It would have looked more cute as Jungkook and princess both are of almost same height!! (Chuckled)

Hearing this we all laughed and soon Jungkook and Jimin started wiggling due to our loud laughs which woke them up, they both got up and sat straight on the bed while looking at us confusedly while we were still laughing

Jimin- Why are you all laughing?

Jungkook- And whose room is this, it's not mine?

Ariv- Excuse me, you two are in my sister's room on her bed and yeah we were laughing on your short height, Jimin!! (Tight smile)

They for sometime looked at eachother being confused then at Arvi and then they told us the story, as they explained everything happened at night to us we, Lee sibys got to know what exactly her nightmare was but the kims were looking at her confusedly then I went near her bed sat beside her and then caressing her head I sweetly woke her up she slowly opened her eyes then sat straight and rubbing her eyes cutely she looked at me and smiled then she hugged me and wished me good morning giggling then she looked at her left side from where Ariv, Ara and Ari attacked her with a bone cracking hug then she wished them as well and giggled then sometimes later she noticed the Kim sibs and she smiled at them and wished them too then she said

Arvi- Wait, dudy what's the time?

Me- 7am baby, why?

Arvi- Ohh, wait whattt!!? (Widened eyes)

She jumped out of her bed and ran towards the washroom while shouting

Arvi- Don't stand here staring at me like creeps, today we have university and it starts at 7:30.....THIS IS NOT KOREA!!!!!! (Went inside the washroom)

For first few seconds we processed her words in mind then we all looked at each other and then screaming on top of our lungs we ran out of her room and launched directly towards our own rooms and then inside the washrooms, faster than flash...

Menacing Vengeance ft.- Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now