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(Untold Truth)

Previous chapter:-

Kims- Dad told us he will tell us something tomorrow!?...


Present chapter:-

Next Morning

Mrs Lee POV:-

I am here sitting on the couch of my mansion's living room alone after texting Arav to come here with the others well he said yes ok but I know it would be really very difficult for him to convince Arvi right now I am waiting for my two kids come downstairs as I need to talk to them as the wedding is tomorrow only and I need to tell them something which is untold same goes for Honey(Mr Kim) he also have to reveal this trust to the kids and I need to tell this to my babies as well I know they hate me and it's obvious for them to hate I-I am so much unlucky that I can't even run and hug my babies for seeing them after 14 fucking years just because of 'him' I wanna fucking stop all these things and wanna live my life happily with my family like before...by this time I had tears in my eyes I was about let my tears flow when suddenly two creatures came hugged me tightly while saying

Ashu,Ashi- Gooood mooooorniiiiiing mooooom!!!!!

I immediately wiped my tears and said while chuckling

Me- Yah kids and I your teacher that you are singing a good morning song for me (Chuckled)

*An- Welp all Indians will know this Gooood mooooorniiiiiing teaaaaacherrrrr!!!, Honestly I don't know about other countries as I never been to anywhere else than my India🇮🇳 hehe*

They both giggled and came sat beside their mother then Aarush asked her

Ashu- Yes mom why did you called us we are gonna be late for University!!?

Me- No baby you are not gonna be late for University as today you don't have to go to the University (Smile)

Ashi- Really mom!!? But why?

Me- Paboyas today is Saturday!!

Ashu,Ashi- Yeah so? Wait...today is Saturday means tomorrow is Sunday that means

They looked at me then at eachother and by looking at eachother they both shouted in unison


Me- Yes babies and I have something to inform you about your new family

Ashi- Then tell mom!?

Me- Umm wait let them come as well

Ashu- Who?

Me- Your other siblings!! (Sad)

Hearing that they didn't said anything and their faces turned from cheerful to sad

×End of Mrs Lee POV×

Arav POV:-

Mrs Lee texted me to come to her house with the others and I agreed without any argument as I knew it will be coming soon infact we all knew it already and I know this also that how much difficult it would be to take my princess there she will throw so many tantrums thinking this I sighed then I suddenly remembered that today she will be going the the company oh fuck now this is called some real trouble aish!! After sometime everyone came down we had our breakfast and then I decided to drop the bomb

Me- Ahh actually Mrs Lee called us at her place so we need to go there!!


That's it time's up the bomb blasted!!!!

Menacing Vengeance ft.- Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now