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(Love of My Life)

Previous chapter:-


Present chapter:-

Author POV:-

By now Ashu, Ashi and Mrs Kim remembered what exactly tonight is they smiled and started getting ready.....Soon enough they all came downstairs and Bangpinktxzy and Mr Kim saw the Kangs, Mrs Kim, Ashu and Ashi were wearing Indian outfits and the whole house was beautifully decorated like a princess and there were many people guests and reports all over the world and the time was also nearly 7 pm only few minutes were left so Mr Kang said

Mr Kang- Ok guys now they are going to come so be quick and hide anywhere you wish and yeah (to the Kims) you all just hide and enjoy the show ok and when we all come out then only you all will come out okay!?

Everyone- Ok!!

Then they all hide here and there and then suddenly everyone heard the some sonds and as the whole palace was silent so everything could be heard clearly and a girl was saying

×End of Author POV×

Arvi POV:-

Me- Wait why there's no guards over here and why is the palace all dark why is there no light...

Angelia- No problem princy you can see in dark as well as light no!?

Me- Yes!!

Then suddenly Angelia went away from Arvi and she

Me- Angy now where did you go first Dudies and Nunies went for out for some work earlier and now you too went away but where and why did Nio gave me this heavy dress to wear as if I am coming in a party uff too many questions let's see!?

Then suddenly as soon as she came infront of the main gate it opened automatically and keeping her first step inside the palace there was a rain of flowers over her head and all lights turned on which were decorated outside the inside lights were still off and Arvi said

Me- Woah that was pretty cool but now what was that for and where are everyone?

Ignoring this she started taking steps towards the main door of the palace the whole aisle was decorated with flowers and whenever she puts a step ahead the lights will turn on and pictures of a cute baby girl which was none other than her with a message by each member of the Singhanias and also Bachchans flashes all around the palace

Mr Kang(Nanu)- 18 years ago came a little princess in all our lifes to brighten our world...

Mr Kang(Nanu)- 18 years ago came a little princess in all our lifes to brighten our world

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