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(Naughty Couple)

Previous Chapter:-

Everyone looked at Ari and Arvi with widened eyes...


Present chapter:-

Author POV:-

*An- I will from now on call Ari as Rashi cuz the body is Ari's but the words are Rashi's

Rm- Don't tell me, Rashi's soul is inside Ari's body!? (Shocked)

Arav- Well according to what we are seeing and hearing...it seems like that only! (Shocked)

Rm- Ok but won't it harm Ari?

Ariv- I don't think so!

Rashi- Don't worry, I won't hurt your love Mr Namjoon! (Smile)

Rm- Huh...how do you know my name?

Rashi- Just the same way I know that you and your brother Mr Hoseok loves two of my sisters! (Smile)

Jhope- W-what do you mean?

Rashi- You know very well what I mean and about my sisters...they understood what they needed to understand!

Arvi- It's a love story, baby just say yes~

As the word yes slipped off of her mouth her eyes unknowingly fall on someone who was already staring at her with soft eyes, Rashi chuckled and looked at Arvi who was also giggling with her but she suddenly stopped giggling and held her head she stumbled back but Rashi held her wrist preventing her from falling backwards Arvi looked at Rashi while smiling soft yet painfully as she was feeling pain running through her veins she took a deep breath and smiling at Rashi/Ari she said

Arvi- Somethings need to get care...so didu, u talk to them while I will be quick back okay!?

Rashi- Sure Ri! (Smile)

Arvi giggled and after hugging her she ran out of the room and everyone smiled at her and then Aarush and Arushi asked her

Arushi- Di...how and why u did all that earlier? (Teary eyes)

Rashi- First u tell me...why did u two and Anni (she used to call Mrs Lee/Kim as Anni) changed so much and y r u now even giving pain to that little girl whom u loved the most? (Hurt eyes)

Aarush- If u know everything do, then how come u don't know about the reason behind this...leave it we don't wanna talk about this right now! (Avoiding eye contact)

Rashi- Well I know, just wanted to hear it from ur own selves but seems like somethings really do need much time to be revealed! (Chuckled)

Ariv- We don't even consider them as our family anymore infact, I fell like we did mistake knowing them! (Roll eyes)

Arav- Yeah, do u know what they did with princess, di...u know they-

Rashi- I know very well what they did or more like tried to do with my Ri...u know after dieing I never got released from this Earth my soul was sealed in this earth, that day when Ri said that she will give me justice, from that time only I am always around u guys but u guys never felt or got to know my presence around u...but the one who needed to know already knew about everything happening around her! (Sad smile)

Ara- But di, how did u got inside Ari's body?

Rashi- That day when Taehyung catched Ri and prevented her from falling down at that time she got unconscious bcz of me! (Sad)

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