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Previous chapter:-

After eating dinner everyone slept peacefully in their rooms


Present chapter:-

At midnight:-

Arvi- No I won't let you all go!!! (Whine)

Hyunjin- But try to understand na baby, please!!? (Smile)

Arvi- Nah why should I, Nina!? You dumb humans didn't even cared to inform me once that you will be leaving today only!? (Angry pout)

S.coups- Uff, princess see we are telling you now na? We ourselves also got the call from the others that they need our help and you know right how this works!? (Sad smile)

Arvi- Ok...but why all of you have to go when only some of you can go and help them, why don't you all listen that I will be bored without making fun of these babies!! (Pointing at the maknaes)

Hyein- Yahh you little punk what do you mean by that? (Shout)

Arvi- Oh ma oh ma god, you're so you're so...deaf!! (Hand dance, sitting on the couch)

Niki- Aish what is all this why you do this to us!!!? (Whine)

Arvi- I guess your ears are not blocked by dirt, so you can hear what I say clearly, but...now if they are blocked by dirt then... (Looks away with a smirk)

The8- Uff uff uff you little kids stop this now and baby Ri please, let us go we will try to come back soon! (Smile)

Arvi- Ughhh.....Ok!! (Sad pout)

InYeop- Kk so let's go!!

SoYeon- Yeah let's go!!

Arvi- I will miss...

Cousins- Us? (Smile)

Arvi- Nope...my babies, I will miss my babies!! (Sad)

She then took Inaya, Rian and Mari in her arms and kissed all of their heads and then handed them over to their mothers with a sad face

Ara & Ari- Aww, princess, don't be sad they all will come back soon... don't worry!? (Smile)

Arvi- Hmm!! (Sad voice)

Arav & Ariv- And princess, we are here for you na and your Titans too!? (Smile)

Arvi- Hmm!! (Monotone)

They all went out of the house and before the cousins sit inside the limos they said

Cousins- Ok princess, so now we should be leaving or else we will miss the flight...don't be sad princess, so...bye everyone!! (Smile while waving)

Arvi- Uhh yes I won't be sad don't worry!! (Sighed and then smiled cutely)

Then all the cousins smiled at her and sat inside the limos and drove off to the airport

Arvi- Aish...I miss them already!! (Pout)

Then Leyla held Arvi from her shoulders and said

Leyla- It's ok princess, we are here for you na now let's go inside I am feeling so cold!! (Smile)

Arvi- Really, you are feeling cold? But I am feeling hot!? (Looking at her with a straight face)

Layla- What!? Really, how!?? (Shocked)

Arvi- Because.....a hot girl like Leyla Sisin is holding me no? (Smirk)

Saying this she quickly ran inside the mansion in the speed of light, giggling while the others just chuckled at her and Leyla said

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