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Previous Chapter:-

Taehyung went and got ready...


Present Chapter:-

Author POV:-

After that Taehyung came out of the washroom wearing clothes and saw no one and he was in his towel only...

He sighed sadly and pouted while mumbling...

Taehyung- You are really making me go crazy angel, I always think only about you and just want all my imaginations with you to come true ASAP! (sad)

Well now if you all are confused then let me clear that whatever happened between Taehyung and Arvi in the previous chapter's last scene, was.....just his imagination and not real, it was all that he thought while taking a shower but now from this chapter everything is totally real...

Taehyung- Now how will I live without you for whole 1 month!? (sad)

Thinking these things he went to the closet and wore his clothes(same as shown in previous chapter)...

He came out after getting ready and found Arvi finding something in the room...

He frowned and went near her...

Taehyung- What happened, what are you searching for?

Arvi, who was back facing him, turned towards him and was looking tensed

Taehyung- What are finding and why are you so tensed? (Frown)

Arvi- Have you seen my ring?

Taehyung- No, which one as I never saw you wearing a ring!?

Arvi- Yeah I don't but that ring is attached to my phone's cover, so have you seen it, as it's not on my phone!? (Frown)

Taehyung- Uh no, I don't think so that I have seen any kind of ring...

Arvi- Damn it, where is it!? (Sad)

She then searched the whole room and finally was able to find the ring but it wasn't found by Arvi instead it was found by Taehyung who was looking at that ring being all stunned to see that ring, he suddenly turned to Arvi and just kept on staring at her, his mind was totally blank...

Suddenly Arvi turned and saw him staring at her with a ring in his hand...

Arvi- You found it!? Thank you so much Tangu! (Cheerful smile)

She again paste the ring on her phone cover and then holding Taehyung's hand she started dragging him while saying...

Arvi- Let's go, we are getting late! (Happy)

They both came downstairs but Taehyung was still lost in his own world and was just not even trying to look at his surroundings, they all then went out of the hotel and were walking towards the forest which is right behind the hotel, they all were walking while talking and laughing but Taehyung was still not aware of his surroundings, he was just walking like a lost soul, like a dead body to be precise...

Everyone were roaming around the forest and were really enjoying it but Taehyung was just staring at Arvi and his mind was only stuck on her, he couldn't see any other, nor could he hear or even feel anything else around him, for him it was just her and only her...

Jungkook- Yah hyung, where are you so lost!? (Teasing)

Taehyung came back to earth and looked around finding himself walking inside a deep forest with the others...

Menacing Vengeance ft.- Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now