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           Hello my fiful🥰
    Sadly it isn't an update
I noticed that the characters are much and it's quite complicated so it will be best if I add some characters for the mean time so it won't be confusing


Muhammad Ahmad(baba)A hardworking father and a multi billionaire who owns the M&A company.

Khadija sanusi: A very hard-working and devoted wife Muhammad Ahmad's wife.

Aayan  muhammad: The family's first born .he is 28 yrs old a banker  the father of ammar and the husband of Fatima zahra. They reside here in Abuja.

Jawahir Muhammad: the family's second born an interior designer and is 23yrs old.

Sultan Muhammad:A 15 year old boy in ss2.he is the fourth born.

Hanifa:she is Mama's Auta and the family's last born 13yrs old in jss3.

    So basically they are five in number

                       The A'Ms

Abdullahi mahmud:A well known billionaire the founder of the AM company .He is a retired father .he and his family recently moved back to their fatherland

Amina Ismail: she married Abdullahi when she was 29 yrs old they moved to Dubai 10yrs after their marriage.

Maheera Muhammad:she is the eldest daughter 29yrs old and is married to rayyan she has two kids they are twins Hamid and hamida.

Akram:he is 23 yrs old the second born he is a  billionaire that works under his dad's company.

Najwah: Akram immediate younger sister 18yrs old .

Najmah: najwah twin sister they are in Nile university level 3 and she is the fourth born.

Ammar 15 year old boy in SS2 the fifth born in the family.

Hanan 13 year old girl the family's last born.



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