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Today been Sunday so free day for me I just want to start something new you know. So I get dressed in a short and a tee shirt I went down to make coffee for myself. I descended downstairs to meet the woman of the house cooking .

"Hey what are you cooking" I asked her. She just stare at me like am not talking to her.

"I said what are you cooking " I asked again.

"M m mme" she said pointing at herself while stuttering.

"Yes you" I said again.

"Am making sandwiches with hot cocoa and mashmellow on top" she explained.

"Hmm smell good" I said sniffing the air. She just stare at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I questioned.

"Is just that I don't usually see you smiling to me infact talking to me" she said I just felt bad for her reply.

"Now you are seeing right am hungry let's eat" I whine.

"Okay let's go"she said.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked her because I want to spend sometime with her

"Actually nothing just sit" she explained.

"Okay how about we play games" I asked her

"Yeah sounds cool but give me 20min am coming" she said then stood up. I guess she went back to her room Soo stood up I wanted to enter my room when something caught my ears.i think is her conversation with her friend or so.

"Wallahi am telling you I guess this is a dream, he was smiling at me. He even asked me what I was making for breakfast. I guess is a new beginning" she said .

I felt bad I will definitely give her a chance. That is a promise. I went back to the dining, later on she came smiling.

"Okay so about the game let's play truth or dare then next 20 questions are you okay with it" she said

"Yeah okay"I said

"So I will go first"she said.

"Okay go on" I said

"Who was your GF before we got married" she asked.

"No one"I said

"Really wow"she was surprised.

"Same questions goes to you" I said I was willing to know too.

"I have many" she said my smile fade many

"Wow so they were?"I asked again.

"Me, myself and I"she said happily.

''wow you got me so next what's your favorite colour" I asked her.

"I love black and you know purple how about you" she said.

"I love black too and of course red" I said happily too I love our conversation.

"So your favourite drink"she asked

"I will go for grape juice you?" I said.

"Wow I love any orange drink but I love fanta mostly"she said wow I love fanta too.

"So favourite food"I asked.

"Omg I love frijitas but I will choose fried rice you"she said happily.

"Same too are you into coffee or you prefer tea"I asked.

"Nah none I prefer hot cocoa" then she winked at me.

"I love coffee the most"I said happily.

"Who was your crush"I asked her.

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