forwarded proposal

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Akram's POV

I woke up excitedly why🤔 bcs of my new house I rushed to the bathroom I took a quick bathe I drap my towel then head out cause my phone was ringing I checked the caller it was daddy yeah am going now

"Assalamualaikum daddy Ina kwana" I greeted

"Lafiya lau please I want to see you right now if you are not busy" he said

"Okay am coming now" I said in a respectful manner

"Okay toh sai ka zo" he said

I know something is wrong was it mammy I hope not cause I can't bear to see her in pain again so I quickly wore my sweatpants and hoodie I went straight the parlour I know that's where I will find them .

" Assalamualaikum " I made my presence known they all turn

" Waalikumusalam " they answered

" Kai Ammar and Hanan go to your room we want to talk" mammy said they did as she said leaving me and the twins now this will only lead to one way 'marriage'

" Akram how old are you" daddy asked

"23" I said

" When did you decide on settling" he asked I kept quiet cause I don't know what to say I knew it the way morning call,asking the kids to go to their room leaving only us am not ready to be sincere

" Okay since you won't answer I have a girl in mind and that girl is not anyone but Ahlam" he dropped the bomb I was beyond shattered why her for goodness sake I wanted to cry but no way this girl lallai have mind

" Daddy Ahlam kuma" I said this is unbelievable

" Yeah just do me one thing marry her she is our only option and Kuma we have forwarded the proposal and that house is yours the both of you" daddy said I was beyond shattered so the house is ours what the hell and without my consent they forwarded the proposal.

" Akram have I ever ask you anything before" mammy asked Ahhh not now mammy

"No " I said sincerely because she has never asked

"Okay now am doing it please am begging you marry her for my sake then " mammy said I felt a wave of guilt successfully landing in body

"Mammy is alright I agree to it" I said I can't just deny my mom but that useless girl will regret it I saw some twinkle in my mom's eye she is happy I can do anything for her to stay like that then why not this.

"Okay thank you now is the twins turn" mammy said the twins were nervous I sensed that

"Yawwa you are no longer kids start preparing because I want you guys married before my death" daddy said I wish I can say no but who am i

They just nod their head then he dismissed us I went straight to my room right now all I want is some space I sat down I started working because I won't allow that discussion to affect me I was working when I heard a knock ahhhh I said come in the least I expected was ahlam

"Hey" she said will she act like nothing happened I can't tolerate it I hate her guts now I wonder how we will cope

" What do you want" nothing like hey or hi I just cut off

" I came to ask what time are we going to the house because I want to go to my homegirl" she kept ranting who ask her that one only God that know and house I think she has lost it.

" Am not going with you am going with my friend so you can leave" I said she was just looking at me so I shut the door am tired she flung the door open as if it's her father's door

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