The disaster 🤯

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Akram's POV

I closed my laptop after I finished working on my new project. I haven't had a good sleep since our company is working on a new project and my marriage stuff . I picked my phone to call my PA...
" Hello good evening sir how may I help you" she asked Immediately perks of being the boss

"Evening can you please come and take the files in my office give it to mansur to sign them " I said into the phone

Yes sir anything sir?" She asked

"No nothing that's all" I said

"Okay have a good day sir" she said

"Same " then cut the call

I have been telling myself to call mammy but I am not just in the state I might blurt out anything I want and I don't want to be skinned alive

Immediately I made those thoughts in my mind, as if mammy read my mind she called. Okay here goes nothing, I decide to pick the call.

" Hello Akram where are you work ko?" She asked

" Yeah mammy am almost done " I said into the phone

" Is it only you that know how to work Emm...okay listen here I want you to come right now " she said sternly

" Okay mammy am com.."she cut the call oh goodness what now

I made my way out of the company straight to my car. I ignite the car i made my way straight to my house .

I head to Mammy's part I saw my aunt's okay what's going.

"Gashinan ma ai" aunty suwaiba said

" Yawwa zo nan dana" aunty larai said

"We need to start working I can't believe he is getting married"aunty mansura said.

Okay now am confused which wedding ,how when maybe not mine

"Akram mammy said I should call you" aunty Aisha said

Yeah they usually call her mammy because she took care of them. The younger ones not the elders

"Assalamualaikum mammy Ina wuni" I said

"Lafiya you heard I was calling you right" she said

"Yeah mammy I was surprised to the core why are our Aunty's here mammy" I said that's the fact

"Yeah the reason is because of you"she said

"Mammy me Kuma" I asked

"Yeah your grandma's health is detorating so she asked for a favour to see her grandson's wedding before she die" she said

" Mammy what happen to grandma" I asked forgetting the part about the wedding.

"Actually we couldn't fantom whats wrong with her we took her to several hospital but all they say is she is alright maybe is the stage of her oldness" mammy said

"Okay Allah ya ba ta sauki so.." I asked

"As I was saying she asked for a favour and that favour was granted it's about your wedding it has been shifted to next tommorow please do not argue" mammy said her word sank in like next tommorow I thought maybe till after my best friend's wedding but Allah has planned it all.

"Okay mammy no problem but her side did she know" I asked because it's possible they do not know

"Yeah they knew they were the ones that grant us ,Soo you will be ango soon" mammy said happily

"Okay " I said

"And please any thing your aunties say about the wedding day say it is your choice okay babana"mammy said

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