what I felt🤯

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Ahlam's POV

After my sleep I woke up at 11:00 on dot am just too hungry I went straight to the kitchen I quickly make a pancake and tea yeah you see I ate to my fill I checked my schedule I want to visit maida today they are coming to Abuja so I bathe I decide to wear Abaya not really Abaya I pick my golden shoes and my black Gucci bag I went downstairs I called her

"Gees how far" she said She is really trying to forget things

"Yakike am coming to your house today fa" I said

"Okay around what time" she asked

"Yanzun fa " I said

"Am not at home now so you should come around 3 haka" she said I was sad because I didn't plan on sitting here all day

"Okay sai na so I will call you bye" I said

"Okay sai kin so " she said then end the call

I head downstairs baba said he want to see me I was thinking is because of my school I went in I met mama and baba

"Assalamualaikum" I said

"Waalikumusalam " they said together  I sat down

"Baba ga Ni " I said

"Ahlam I honk is time for you to bring a suitor Ana ta bin kanki but a banza so that's why muka miki miji" baba said

"Miji Kuma baba" I asked I pray I heard wrongly

"Eh you heard me right and your husband is Akram " baba said no way that son of a bitch tears were doing there work

"yeah you heard right and Wallahi don't you dare try any nonsense because Ansa rana three weeks" baba said all this while mama was looking at me

"Okay baba" I said

"You can leave now " baba Said

What am feeling right now is undescribable I feel devasted I entered my room and lock it I cried my heart out mama came in

"Ahlam  you know what we are doing is good right" mama said okay I know but am too small Haba 18 fa

"Mama I have accepted " I said but why him maybe he like me

"Yawwa my daughter came quick I want us to go out" mama said

"Okay I heard you" I said

" Okay let's go" mama said

" Mama my head is paining me I can't go" I said I remember ya Ahmad's wedding is tomorrow I have to meet jasrah speaking of her she called me mama left the room.

" Hello Ke can you come please mama ask me to call you" she said in one go

"Okay am coming " I left quickly I went straight to my car I step on the accelerator then zoom out I parked the car I went straight to jasrah room many people in the room I said my Salam she hugged me I told her to fetch some food for me I brought a tray full of snacks that's why I love her we talked about everything and nothing we went out to our tailor I collected my anko skirt and blouse with silver shoe and silver accessories It was so fine 

"Ke I can't wait Wallahi he is finally fulfilling his dreams" she said my eyes start to water

"What happen" she asked worriedly

"Am getting married " I said still sobbing

"What do you mean" she asked again

"Baba said am getting married am 18 going to 19 this year so he said am not young am getting older day by day and is to that stupid arrogant human being" I said still crying

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