The first meeting

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This is dedicated to my besty Aisha Ibrahim please follow her

  Ahlam's POV

"Ahlam, ahlam ki tashi ga mama Nan zuwa"hanifa said shouting my name as if  her life depend on my name.

"Ohh can't you allow me to rest ne"I said whining.

"Ke it's 6:00pm fa you spent hours sleeping and mama said she is having guest we should be ready by 6 and it's already 6"she said while I stood up rubbing my eyes.

"And do you know the guest are from Dubai  I think they are Mama's childhood friend because she was excited" she continued..

"What!! Guest??"I said shouting.

"Yep you heard me right guest mama said they will be here any minute" hanifa said. I take a look at her dress she was in an abaya wow not bad

 I take a look at her dress she was in an abaya wow not bad

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I said I sprinted to the bathroom I bathe then prayed.i settled on an abaya too☺️I did some mini makeup god I look hot i twirl near the mirror I descended downstairs the place smell gooddd the turaren wuta burning at every corner of the house mama and larai(our maid) really tried I want directly to the dining table,is this my house so many food on the tables

i settled on an abaya too☺️I did some mini makeup god I look hot i twirl near the mirror I descended downstairs the place smell gooddd the turaren wuta burning at every corner of the house mama and larai(our maid) really tried I want directly to t...

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Wow these people most be close to mama I turn on the TV and that air conditioner I went upstairs to ease myself when I came out larai was at the door.
"Ahlam mama is calling you"she said
"Okay tell her am coming by the way where is hanifa or is she downstairs??"I asked

"Yeah  I think she is with one her Emm..ehnn she said her name is Hanan"she said

"Okay you can go am coming"I said while she went out of the room I checked myself one more time before I descended downstairs.god these people are rich even their dresses scream money I said in my head I ducked my head as I sat on the left sofa
"Ina wuni" I greeted the one whom I guess is the .other god she is so young.

"Lafiya lau how are you doing wanan be ahlam"the woman asked

"Eh ahlam ce ta canja ko" mama said laughing.

"Inalillahi  ahlam come give me a hug don't you remember your aunty meema"

"Lahaula aunty meema kece god you changed so much"I said still surprised

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