surprise visit

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"when she was 13 years old she ...."hanifa started ahlam interrupted her with a smack

"Stop it please she said closing her ears "tears clouded in her eyes I entered the house then went straight to the dining table she looked up then quickly ducked down Ahhh. She head upstairs my dad is coming back tomorrow so I have to set things right

"Yaya welcomed " Najmah said

"Yaya please ask ahlam what's wrong with her I don't want to see her broken" Najwah said crying

" Okay guys she will be alright "I said
Knock knock
I heard a faint come in she was surprised to see me so she quickly stand up

"Hi "I said

"Hey" she answered

"Am sorry okay I guess it's my fault I was angry That's why  I shouted at you I lost my contacts because of a girl so she called me and was saying some shit so I yelled at you sorry" I said

"No it's okay I was scared that's why"she said

"So are we good now"I asked

"I guess so" she said

"Wanna hang out tomorrow"I asked

"Okay" she said we heard a loud car horn I checked the window it was my parent what the actual hell

"Are those our parents "she asked excitedly

"Yeah they are let's go and welcome them"I said we head downstairs I opened the door they came in I came see ahlam stomping her foot (awnn) they came in

"Welcome daddy and mammy I said carrying their luggage.they answered it was 5:20 so they settle down around  Their where many luggages around baba gave me a house key saying it was mine I was happy so I collected it it was located in Asokoro then the luggages are Ahlam's own she was happy

" Ahlam and Akram I want you two to go and check the house put the right furniture too " baba said

"Okay" I was happy but why Ahlam

"Okay" she said
I went inside my room I was happy I can't wait to see my house MY house 😁😁 with that thought I slept😴😴😴











Ahlam's POV

I woke up with a massive headache wait what!!! I slept on the floor how come am on the bed oh maybe Najwah raised me up I went out to get some fresh air as i step out I met all the kids worried so I went to meet them on the dinning table I sat down as if they are waiting for me

"Your body is hot what happen to you

"Look your lips are swollen "

"Did you cry "many questions God oo help me

"Or is it what happen to you when you were 13 years old"

So many questions I was not hearing any until Mrs big mouth decide to open her mouth

"When she was 13 years old " then I shouted I don't want to remember all those things that happen it's my story to tell not hers I went to my room I bowled my eyes I heard a faint knock since is a faint knock I gave a faint come in .

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