our pre wed life 👫

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Ahlam's POV

"Ahlam kitashi" maida said

"Wait Dan Allah what happen " I asked

"It's almost time stand up kinjini ko"

"Okay I said Standing up you guys most be wondering why why are they waking me up around 9 simple because it's my pre wed pics.

That woman did the gyaran jiki she gave me several perfume to use while bathing.

I came out I saw them baking their face with make up.

"Ke come quickly the make up artist is here" my home girl said

"Okay " I simply said remembering my mother's words

"Wow first day you just agreed" my home girl said with a surprised face

"Abi lallai aure dadi har amanta da ba ason Abu"that was saudat

"Toh Dan Allah taji Hana enough of it"  that was Hanan my partner in crime

"Je amiki make up in " sa'adiya said

"Yeah better stay oo" Nasiba said

"Transform her face" Sumayah said that girl rarely talk

"Guys allow her to do her work" rukayya said

"Okay girls " shouted raliya

They continued talking with me answering them when am asked a question mostly about my soon to be husband.

She was done after 1hour . She started the girls own just simple.

Here is my beautiful make up I fine right

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Here is my beautiful make up I fine right.

"Ke take were this clothe first she handed me the lace first .

"Ke take were this clothe first she handed me the lace first

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I wore it soon the girls rush to put their clothes .ya jaw came in saying he is here we went down I saw many pretty girls I greeted them ,the photographer came in then started doing his job.

After three pictures ya jaw jaw ask me to go and change it took me 15min to change I wore the atampha next

After three pictures ya jaw jaw ask me to go and change it took me 15min to change I wore the atampha next

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