let's dine👩‍❤️‍👨

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Ahlam's POV

I woke at 10:00. I went downstairs to eat,there were many food warmers on the table . I checked it one was filled with pepper chicken soup, Masa with miyan taushe, fries with egg and meat sauce, then lastly pancakes. I serve my self fries with egg and meat sauce. I ate my food I heard foot steps oh God not now please. I greeted him.

"Ina kwana" I greeted he did not answer well that was rude what about the sweet messages with the love he shared. Wow bravo.

"What will you like to eat" I asked again then he replied me

"You know I have hand and eyes I will see what I want and I will serve myself" he said

"Okay here they are.." I said I can feel the tears in my eyes not now please.

He served himself pepper chicken soup, then fried with egg and liver sauce. There was drinks I drank orange juice, and he drank the same thing.

"Ke get ready for our stupid dinner at 5:00" he said

"Okay Allah ya kaimu"I said then stood up. I went straight to my room. This house big enn I will check it out later.

I bathed then decide to wear gold and green skirt and blouse, I tied my head tie into ture ka ga tsiya. I on my phone I replied my unread messages it's mostly about the wedding. So now I need a helper because the house is way too big for me to clean it.

I decide to sleep because I was too tired I woke up around 2 I made my way to the toilet, I perform ablution then prayed I went downstairs then ate, I served myself some fried rice and salad, I ate to my fill. He came down clard in brown kaftan, he sat down on the dinning table far away from mine it's a 20 sitter so he say far end not before serving his food which was tuwon shinkafa with miyan taushe, I watched him eat after he was done he left the dinning to only God that knows.

I packed the dishes then set the timer to wash it. I reclean the kitchen it was beautiful I love everything there. The time is 3:15 I still have time so I have to call mama at the first ring she picked the call

"Assalamualaikum mama Ina wuni" I said

"Lafiya qalau ya gida ya mijin naki?" She asked

"Mama lafiyan mu qalau ya su ya jawahir" I asked

"Su mama lafiya, suna gaida ki" she said

"Ina amsawa " I said

"Ahlam don't forget all the advice we gave you please do use it", she said

"Yes mama please greet everyone there" I said

"Okay toh extend my greetings to your husband" she said

"Okay bye" I said

"Bye" she end the call. I checked the time it's 4:17 now I went to pray, I prayed nawafil first then the compulsory prayer. I heard someone people talking so I went to check.

I saw the twins and some other girls which I guess are his cousins.

"Here she is ma ai" the girl with purple Abaya whom I guess is the najeeba

"Oh amarya Yakike" that was another girl

"Leave her let her come haba" that was another one

"Ina wuninku" I greeted cause clearly some senior me

"Lafiya sanun ko" I said I went inside the kitchen I checked the kitchen I arranged snacks each in a bowl then drinks. I went back in my husband was conversing with them. I dropped the tray.

"Gashi kuci" I said then they devour in

"Amarya this fine girl you see here is najeeba" she said

"Then I am nusaiba the no nonsense girl" nusaiba said

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