wedding desire👫

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Ahlam's POV

Today I woke up around 5am I ate, then we started the preparation the woman that was doing my gyaran jiki came around 6. we finished at7:00 I bathe then wore my blue buba. I ate again because I can't kill my self. Mama called the makeup artist, I was busy replaying messages till 9:30, mama came in she ask me to use the perfume and bathe again.

I did as she instructed. 10:50 I was with the makeup artist she was done. I wore my clothes, the make up artist started transforming the girls she was done by 12:15,  I was asked to were atampha first I looked hot men. 

12:50 I was announced to be someone else's wife through an unknown contact  I salamed but no answer that's when I heard the imam saying

an daura aure a sakanin Akram Abdullahi mahmud tare da Ahlam Muhammad Ahmad Allah yaba da zaman Lafiya .

many women doing the guda. I can't help it but cried am leaving home I can't believe it.

Mama came in she asked me to change because my husband is coming. I changed into lace sewn into a gown.

I was taking downstairs where he was I heard one of them saying it's time we leave the ango and amarya. Many awwss here and there. The next thing I could fantom was his body collided with mine.

He hugged me what that actual hell♥️♥️

Then my home girl came in and a guys whom I guess is his friend came in.

"Guys it's time let's go and see the elders" she said

"Okay am ccoming " I said leaving him there while she dragged me away

"Let's first go to Mama's side ko before Baba's side" she said I only nod my head.

"My dear sir down today is the day where all mothers will advise their daughters . I could remember clearly the day you were born it was the best day of our lives even though you have elders it's still the best day because your Aunty's taught after jawahir I couldn't give birth then you came into the world. My dear marriage isn't a joke is the Sunnah of the prophet saw. "Mama stopped for us to say saw then she continued

"Thank you for agreeing into this marriage you see the life it self is full of ups and downs, be patient my dear no marriage is ever completed without fight, each and every couple most fight is nature, learn to forgive him because we are all humans and you know humans aren't perfect , you should trust him for every relationship their most be trust,do not involve a third partner in your life any problems you should solve it among yourself" she stopped again then started crying  the my mom's elder sister pick up

"My dear never use the word I cannot do it or I will not do it it's wrong my dear, men love food feed them well  with it if you are into a fight learn to apologise do not argue or shout back at him, do not share his secret,learn to support him, care , love, respect him my dear. If you have any issues remember you have your Lord to speak to this is a new chapter of your life you are completely the second half of Deen." Aunty basma finished talking

" Yeah remember do not shout at your husband or argue with him I know you are stubborn because that only trigger them learn to feed them both the foods Allah ya Baku zaman Lafiya" mama finished talking

" I will miss you mama" I said sobbing

After the series of cries mama asked me to change my clothes , it's time for me to be taken to my in laws house I change into atampha with lace around it . The make up artist touched my face then we were ready to go.

The parked the car where her best friend help her out they walked into her in laws house . Women yodeling them removing her veil to see her face while muttering Masha Allah.

Her mother in law came and hug her saying "welcome home my daughter" the ladies keep yodeling and cheering.

Then the twins came and hug her" welcome sis in law" they said in a union.

The walima was done very well people throPoint on to congratulate them while her faking her smiles. Later in the day she changed into simple gown to be conveyed to her husband's house their car came in they went in then head out to her house is this her house they came down her aunt ask her to say assalamualaikum while she enter with her right leg. Jasrah ask her to cover her face so she couldn't see any thing to hey took her to her room she sat on the a soft place which she guessed is the bed. My friends kept saying my house fine die I wish I could see it. Later on after seeing the house they announced they were going I was confused yeah I actually read it on Wattpad on how the relatives will go and leave  the girl alone till her husband come. She will start crying telling them not to leave I will be like what's wrong with them but now I never expected it to happen to me now what will I do. I started crying how I missed my other badly I wished I was not married not more going out any how now am under someone I was tired and hungry  I remove my head gear and veil I on the AC I heard someone coming to the room I thought is maybe Jasrah forgot something. Then my husband came in holding leather

"Ina wuni" I greeted

"Lafiya let's pray ko" he said dropping the leather. I stood there looking at him because I did not know where the toilet is

"Oh the toilet is there see hijab there" he said
We prayed two nawafil he gave me the leather saying I should eat . I ate to my fill I drank the yoghurt and water I changed my outfit from there i slept 😴😴😴😴

Akram's  POV

Today is my wedding day I woke up around 9 I bathed then wore my simple white geznah with banana Riga then black accessories the boys are done too we went straight to the central mosque we prayed jumu'ah the knot was tied under 50 thousand naira people congratulating me here and there. We went home around 1:00 I asked for mammy I greeted her then ate some food because I was hungry . Mama told me is time to go to my so called wife's house .

We went there she came down God Masa Allah kawai she looked down nervously sister welcome to the devil then hugged her I just guessed it was right. Later on we went to the guest house many people congratulating me  like man I just want to go home.

At 10:00 I went home I knocked on her door then slightly open it I saw her there with another clothe we prayed I gave her the food then I went to my room I bathe then slept

Finally they are married guys let's celebrate too oo Perfect couple now what will go wrong .follow me for more upcoming chapters

Hafsat dankama
Stay blessed

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