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Akrams POV

"Get ready in less than 30 min " I said to her. What could be more special today?? Yeah you guessed it right is our visiting day. I was sleeping when mom called me.

"Assalamualaikum mammy Ina kwana" I greeted.

"Don't tell me you are just waking up" mammy asked.

"No mammy I just went back now" I lied

"Okay you should get ready  don't forget you are visiting your relatives" she said. I totally forgot about that.

"Yes mammy I told her since she is coming self let me get ready" I lied again.

"Okay come here fa" she said.

"Okay mammy till we come" I said then she hang the call. Ahhhhhh😭😭 that's what I feel right now. It's Saturday someone cannot rest again. So back to reality.i bathe then got dressed in brown kaftan that really compliment my skin. I matched it with my black accessories don't forget my black zannar bukar cap. I went down to meet her, she was already dressed in skirt and blouse she does look good.

"Let's go ko" I said to her she just followed me like dogs tail. I entered the car she was trying to sit at the back not the passenger sit.

"Okay what's wrong with you?" I asked her cause wait does she think am her driver. Holy fuck!!.

"Sitting" she said with no idea of what she is trying to do. She then entering the back sit but did not close the door.

"Okay am I your driver?" I asked her again calmly.

"Nope why are you making it a big deal?" She asked. Okay clearly she is nut.

"Wlh idan bakidawoba ranki zai bacci" I said in a stern voice.

"Okay" she wants to annoy me she followed the armrest side. Like who does that men. Yeah she does that.

"Like what the heck men is that not door" I asked.

"Ohh right I remember" she said like she really remember because of her facial expression.

"Am just allowing you because I don't want to make you cry" I said sincerely.

"Okay where are we going" she asked yeah right I just told her we are going out.

"Visiting" I said simply.

"Who?" She asked. God of mercy send your mercy down here.

"Relatives" I said again.

"Why?" She asked again. Okay this woman sitting right here is stupid. When she did not have her answered she answered with an okay .

"Okay" she said later on connected her phone with the car pretty girl playing by maggic Lindemann she then started singing. I won't lie though she got the voice.

"So can you keep it down" I said in a pissed way. Not even glimpse was thrown to me

I can swear

I can joke

I say what's on my mind

If I drink

If I smoke

I keep up with the guy

And you see me holding up my middle finger to the wor... I turn it off. I think the next thing shock her.

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