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Third Person Pov

"Alhaji what we are doing is it right for the kids "says hajiya Khadija

"Yeah that's what am thinking I was so worried the way Akram is jubilating untill he find is for him and his soon to be wife" hajiya Amina said

"Yeah I guess is for the good" Alhaji Abdullahi

"So I think is time for us to tell them" Says Alhaji Muhammad

"It's going to be hard for them"  hajiya Khadija said

" Yeah so ...when" Hajiya Amina said

"I told her am not in town because I can't face her"hajiya Khadija said

"Okay let's tell them next tomorrow" Alhaji Muhammad said

"Okay " the women choruse

Ahlam's POV

I woke up not my usual time which was Awkward I made my way to the bathroom I use my strawberry shampoo to wash my hair cause it has been long I washed it (not too long oo)😁 I walk to my closet I pick Atampa with embroidery on it then chose veil and my matching shoe I head  downstairs to have my breakfast I decide to have Avocado toast and hot chocolate it was so amazing am finally going back home I went to the small parlour upstairs to call my besty within the first ring she picked the call

" Wow someone decide to grace me with call" she said in an angry tone

" Babes calm down you know I won't just abandon my homegirl " I said

" Yeah before right".she said

" You know that's not true I have been through a lot lately so that why I guess" I said

" Yeah can you please stop by I want to talk to you about something" she said

" No I don't think so" I said

" No you have to make it up to me you know" she said

" Okay I will come save some snacks for me chubby" I said

" Okay am waiting for your arrival" she said

" Okay bye" I said

" Bye smarty" she said 

Yeah I have many names for my beast friend first her name was soul sister then I changed it to drama queen the day she came to my house she was going through my contacts then she dial her number she make so many fuss .I had to change it to homegirl. Today an going out rather we are going out so I have to go and ask the owner when we are leaving so I can go to my homegirl. I knock on the door I heard some ruffling before the door Creek open.

" Hello" I said

" What do you want" he ask okay that was rude

" I came to ask you when we are going out cause I want to go out" I said he was still looking at me like' are you mad'

" Am not going together with you am going with my friend so you can leave " he said shutting the door on my face . I can't take this shit I opened the door made my way in and I gave him my peace of mind

"Who are you to do that shit if you have forgotten your dad ask us to go there I have to go there whether u like it on Not I'm going there cause I have some respect and dignity if you can't respect your father that's your own cup of tea so are you going or not" I said staring at him he was also doing the same

"Leave this room before I do something wrong"he said through gritted teeth he think this will work

"Am not leaving until you tell me the time we are leaving " I said am sick and tired of this attitude.

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