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Dear readers I think is time to forgive our Akram so this chapter goes for him♥️

Akram's POV

Than goodness I sight for the fifth time now. Am done with my new project i close the laptop. My phone rang ahhhh.

"Hello mammy Ykk ya gida" I asked.

"Lfy ya en gidan"she asked me while packing all the sheets.

"Lfy" I said

"Ehnn yakamata kuje gidan aunties inku" mammy said oh no not good.

"Okay toh  we are coming tomorrow inshallah"I said

"Okay toh till you come" she said then end the call.

I wore my blue suit pick all the necessary things I needed for the work. I got a call from the guys saying they are coming later. I pick a sticky paper to write it for her.

Hey I need you to prepare dinner for

four people. That is me and my friends

do you get it,and I don't want you to do

that skimpy dressing you are doing

make it simple okay. Let me not come

and see not what I asked you to do.

From me
Akram xxxx.

I don't have that time I stick it near her door side . I went downstairs to eat

"Ina kwana" she greeted she is annoying me like hell man  though I just nod my head. omg I can't wait to dig in. It looks mouth watering

"Should I serve you" That was what she said I felt like slapping her.

Guy she was just trying to help  so calm your nerves.

Who tell her say I need the help most expecially hers.

I was enjoying the food like men she fit cook fa I will soon stop fighting with her so I fit chop the food everyday.

"Emm ya Akram dama I want you to help me bla bla bla Bla bla.." she said I payed zero heed to her. Yh today am in a hurry for my new contract let her no try give me solid cause I will make her give me liquid(that's her tears).

"Any reason for that" because I seriously have to ask. yh to be sincerely speaking the house is to big for her to handle.

"You see the house to too big and"yh whatever. She always have her ways.

"Okay I'll talk to mammy is that all"i said then finish eating my heavly food .my god it taste amazing.

"Yes that's it" she replied smiling like a lunatic.she said her prayers I made my way to the office.

I stepped out my employees throwing greetings anyhow. Ok I like that. I went straight to my cabin. Then start working. A knock came in.

"Yes come in" I said

"Good morning sir" that was my PA

"Morning" I said still working on my files.

"Sir I need your signature here" she said pointing to the files she is holding.

"Okay bring it here what about my meeting with my new contractor" I said then sign on the files

"Actually sir he cancelled it" she said.

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