Chapter 40: Back to Atlanta

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Two more weeks have passed, and Zac is finally back in Atlanta. He still has not heard from or seen Fatima. He stops by the office to let Jake know he was back.

"Hey man, what you doing here? You finally made it back?" Says Jake.

"Yeah, man. I wasn't gone that long, was I?" Asks Zac.

"Man. You were gone for a whole month. Anyways how was it? How's the family?"

"The Fam is good. It was much needed almost like going to therapy."

"That's what's up."

"Hey, have you seen Fatima?" Asked Zac.

"Nope. I know Andi and her have been spending a lot of time together. More than me."

"You sound jealous." Says Zac jokingly.

"Maybe a little, but you should call her up."

"Maybe I will. Alright, imma head out. I will see you Monday, back at work."

The guy's dap and Zac leaves the office and heads home. When he gets home, he showers and takes care of things around the house. A few hours later he goes to the grocery store to get some much-needed groceries. On his way back he calls Fatima.


"Hey, stranger." Says Zac.

"How's it going? I heard you went to New York." Says Fatima.

"I did, I did. What about you, how have you been?"

"I'm good."

"Can I invite you over for dinner tomorrow? Just as friends, and to thank you properly for helping me get through that mess?"

"Umm, is it okay if I let you know in the morning? I supposed to do something for Madea?" Fatima says.


"Ok. I will talk to you later."

They hang up and she quickly dials Andi.


The next morning Fatima texted Zac.

Fatima: Hey Zac I was able to reschedule the thing with Madea. What time would you like me to come over for dinner?

Zac: Around 5 is good.

Fatima: ok see you then.

She runs a couple of errands before meeting at Zac's house. Then goes back home to shower and get dressed. Fatima is a little nervous going over there considering she has not seen him in a month. Then during the paternity mess, they only spoke business.

It's a little after 4 so she leaves the house and heads over.

Knock, knock.

Zac goes to open the door. "Hello. I'm glad you came."

"It smells good in here." Says Fatima. "Here I brought you something, but don't open it yet."

"Ok. Come have a seat. We still have a few minutes before the food is done."

"What is it?"

"It's stuffed peppers and salad."

"So how was New York? Asks Fatima.

"It was nice and well-needed. It's always a place I can go to if I need to clear my head. My parent's house, not necessarily New York. I've been trying to get my parents to move here, but they refuse."

"Sounds like Madea."

"They are so stubborn."

"Yep. You can go ahead and open my gift."

"Oh. Ok." He gets up to get the gift from the bar area. "You know you didn't have to get me anything."

Zac sits back down and opens the gift.

He looks at the gift in shock.


"Are you serious?" Asks Zac

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"Are you serious?" Asks Zac. "Are you pregnant?"

She says yes as she starts rubbing her belly. "We can take a DNA test if you like."

Zac looks at Fatima crazy.

"Too soon?"

"Yes, too soon." He says.

He gets up and sits on the couch next to Fatima. " Can I?"


He rubs her small belly. "How far along?"

She responds. "10 weeks."

Zac grabs Fatima and hugs her, and then plants kisses all over her face.

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