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'Ok now we reached' said Mr. Kim to inform you that it's there house, well not house but whole damn mension.

Your jaw actually drop. There house was litterely a palace.

'Let's go dear' Mr. Kim said to you and you nodded your head in response.

Mr. Kim rang the bell and now you all were waiting for the door to open.After one or two minutes door opened revealing and lady in her Forties.

'Oh, jagi you came early today. From which direction did the sun rise today.'
Said that lady ro Mr. Kim so you assumed that she is Mrs Kim.

'Aish stop your drama honey we have someone today'Mr. Kim said to his wife.

'Who is it?? ' Mrs. Kim ask with curious expression.

'Dear' Mr. Kim called you so you came little forward.

'Ommo, a girl. Wow my taetae is finally grown up. Now he has a girlfriend. Oh god i will soon get a daughter in law and soon i will be able to play with my grandchildren' said Mrs. Kim being over and more more over dramatic. Other members of Kim family mentally face palmed themselves.

'Aish i am so happy. Dear, tell me what's your name?'

'Eomma please first listen '  taehyung said to her mom, saving himself from getting more embarassed.

Then taehyung explain everything to his mother . And now his mother was extremely furious.

Meanwhile you were thinking about her sentences 'ommo soon i will get a daughter in law.' You can't help but internally you were screaming about this.

'Oh dear i am so sorry this happened with you but you don't worry, ok. We are with you. You can take me as your mother' As soon as these words left from Mrs. Kim mouth you can't control yourself your tears start flowing nonstop and you hugged her tightly.

You started crying loudly. But no-one complained knowing your situation. Mrs. Kim was continuously patting your head. From last twenty minutes you were crying so you slept in Mrs. Kim's arms.

'Taetae, she is sleeping. Maybe she is tired. You took her to your room,i will prepare guest room till morning and be careful, don't wake her up.' Mrs. Kim said to taehyung in very low voice, maybe afraid to waking you up.

'Yes eomma' Taehyung said to his mother and carried your sleeping figure in his arms.

Taehyung slowly put you on bed and cover you with blanket. He sat on bed besides you and started observing your face. He slowly rise his hand to caress your haed but refrain himself from doing so. Taking last glance of you he made his way to downstairs.

'Appa, we should found that bastard really fast. He is really cheap.' Said taehyung being angry on hyunbin.

'Yes son. And also we have to support yn emotionally. We will help her in every possible way.' Mr. Kim spoke in serious tone.

Next morning

You wake up from your sleep with a loud thud voice. You slowly examine the room and then you realise that you were now at Kim residence.

You look towards the direction from where the voice has come and you regret seeing in that direction.

There stood a half naked taehyung, only towel wrapped around his torso and water dripping from his hairs.

You quickly shut your eyes and turn your face in opposite direction. You were shocked from this incident meanwhile taehyung was embarassed.

'I am sorry, i didn't meant to see you nake__  i - um- i mean I didn't mean to see you like this.' you said being panicked still covering your eyes.

'I am sorry i didn't mean to wake you up. But i came here just to take my clothes.'Said taehyung in rush tone.

'I am just taking my clothes and then you can open your eyes.'

He quickly take his clothes and ran towards the door slamming it loudly.

You open your eyes when you heard the door shutting sound.you took a breathe of relief.

Suddenly something hits you.

'He came here to take his clothes that means it's his room and i am freaking on his bed. What the actual Fuck.'

'But why i am being this much exited. No no no yn - ah you can't think like this about him. He is just helping you. You can't let your heart take control this time.'

Since you don't know where your suitcase was so you decided to go downstairs.

When you reach there first thing you saw was Mrs. Kim was making breakfast in kitchen, Mr Kim was reading a newspaper. And then there come bro-sis due. Like always the are having an argument, but always cute.

You were admiring the beautiful family and your thoughts flew towards your family. A lone tear escaped your eyes but you quickly wipe it and made your way towards kitchen. 

'Mrs. Kim, can I know where is my suit case' you asked with your polite tone.

'Oh dear, your suitcase is in your room' Mrs Kim spoke smiling warmly.

'Where is the room??'

'Oh yea, wait. Taetae come here, show yn her room' You break a chair due to frustration, but in your mind. Obviously not in reality.

You didn't wanted to face him due to morning incident but here Mrs. Kim.

'Let's go'. He spoke to you without making eye contact.

Soon you reached there.

'This is the room and your things are already arranged in the cupboard'. He spoke still not making eye contact.

You were also nodding your head while looking everywhere but not him.

'Ok then, you freshen up and then come downstairs for breakfast.' He spoke fastly and then stormed out of the room very fastly.

'Finally' you finally release your breath which you were holding from long.

'Aish why that incident happen. Now it's embarrassing'. You fake cried.

After that you did your morning routine and headed downstairs for breakfast.



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