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' How was your day, are you all fine, did you face any problem in their ' Taehyung asked as soon as he entered your room.

' Yes i am great, tell me how was yours ' you asked getting up from bed.

' hey don't get up, i just came to check . You rest ' He said as he stopped you from getting up.

' No , no it's fine, It's already time of dinner ' you said .

' Ok, then you go i will come after freshening up ' He said and you nodded before going downstairs.

' ynie finish your food fast, we have to complete our assignment, last date is tomorrow ' shanu said eating at extreme speed.

' Aish i almost forgot about that , i have to finish it fast ' you said as you started eating fastly.

' Eat slowly ' taehyung held your hand preventing you from stuffing your mouth.

' But i have to complete my assignment ' you said mouth full.

' I will help you in that but eat slowly and peacefully ' he said with blank face and you nodded with smile.

' Aish i am feeling sleepy ' you said yawning. You were now in taehyung's room as you both were doing your assignment.

' Yeah you are right it's already eleven, you should sleep ' Taehyung said checking his watch.

' But assignm- ' you were cutted in between.

' You just sleep , i will complete it ' he said and went on his study table to do the remaining work. Meanwhile you wrapped yourself completely in his blanket and slept peacefully.

It was past one in the night when taehyung finish your assignment. He don't have energy to move so he just placed his head on table and fell asleep in second.

You wake up after sometime as you looked around you saw taehyung sleeping on chair. You got up and made your way towards him.

' Baby bear i am so lucky that you came in my life. I can't be more happy than this. I will be with you for forever. I love you ' you said as you ruffle his hair.

' Tae wake up ' you shaked him slightly.

' Bear wake up and sleep on bed ' You said and he open his eyes slowly.

' Taehyung sleep on bed, otherwise your body will ache tomorrow ' you said and he nodded.

' so are you going in your room ' He asked you but you shooked your head.

' Can i sleep with you tonight ' you said looking down almost in whisper.

' Oh- okk ' he said blushing.

' See baby bear i am trying and i promise we will be together very soon ' you thought in your mind as you lay on bed.

' Ommo she is giving me heart attacks . Aish i am afraid if i will be able to survive these or not ' he said as he also lay beside you.

You scoot little close to him.

' can I h-hug you ' you asked looking at his eyes and he nodded slowly with wide eyes.

You placed you head on his chest, as he also wrap his hand around you. You felt at peace in his embrace.

You wished him goodnight and he also wished you and soon you both fell asleep.

Waking up in the morning you saw the most beautiful view of the world.

You were sleeping in his arms while his eyes were closed. He was looking like a fallen angel.

You were busy admiring him but soon you felt him moving so you pretend to be sleeping.

' Good morning ynie , you are looking beautiful. I wish my every morning to be like this only. ' He said to your sleeping figure as soon as he opened his eyes.

' Good morning my baby, how are you , you know your Eomma is so pretty and your appa loves your Eomma so much. Baby when you will come out then we both will enjoy' so much. Baby you know i am trying to gain your Eomma's love, you pray for your appa . Ok baby, i love you .' he said caressing your belly.

You felt yourself overflowed from joy when you realise that he has just talked with the baby inside your womb.

' Ok baby now i have to get ready for office ' he said as he kissed your forehead.

You open your eyes as you heard bathroom door locking sound.

Your tears finally flow which gather in your eyes because of the sweetness of the boy who just went in washroom.

' I love you so much bear, i don't know what i did to deserve you ' you said looking towards the direction he went .

' Baby you know you will be so much lucky cuz you are getting a so much lovely father. Baby pray to god that your Eomma and Appa should be together soon happily ' you said caressing your belly.

' Appa , i wanted to talk about something ' Taehyung said to Mr Kim who was getting ready in his room.

' Yes son tell me what it is ' Mr Kim said turning towards him after fixing his tie.

' Appa i wanted to tell that please don't talk about hyunbin to yn , you know as she is pregnant, so it will be better only If we don't talk about him ' taehyung Said with serious Ness.

' it's ok son . I understand ' Mr Kim said patting his shoulder and taehyung smiled at him.

' Tae, don't worry about anything. Everything will be fine ok ' Mr Kim said pulling his son in hug knowing his dilemma.

' I hope so appa ' Taehyung said hugging him back.

' Shanu please put my assignment also, i fear i will forget it at home ' you said getting ready.

' Oh i remember now. How was your night ' she said teasing you.

' Aish keep quiet and do what i said ' you said already blushing.

You were getting ready but then a message popped up in your phone . You opened your phone to check the notification but your eyes widened and your phone dropped from your hand as soon as you saw the message.

' hi yn, missed me '

The message was from..........


Gamsaheyo 💜

I will be your baby on a Sunday
Why don't we get out of town.

DESTINED TO BE MET||Kim Taehyung||KTHWhere stories live. Discover now