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' Let me see ' Taehyung said taking the phone from your hand.

' That bloody asshole ' he said clenching his jaw as he read the message.

' Tae, we should call appa immediately ' you said calming him as he nod.

... On call...

' hello '

' Ah yes appa, Yn just recieved a message from him '

' Oh yes tae we just checked it and we got its location '

' Oh that's great appa '

' Yeah son, it's near WWH convenience store '

' Thats great appa , we know it's honour well so we can encounter him this instant '

' That's the problem son , we need atleast half hour to reach there and i am sure he will not stay there any second more '

' Appa i am just near that store, i will go there quickly '

' But son about yn '

' Appa i will call Jin hyung and he will stop his customers for sometime while giving an excuse '

' Ok so tell yn to be careful . Also you take care of her and yours. '

' Ok appa '

... Call end ...

' So yn we have to go there ' he said looking at you as you nodded in reply.

' Yn you will wait here and check the computer screen , when you see him there just call me to inform that ' Taehyung said.

Right now you were sitting in the CCTV room of store as you were escorted here as soon as you stepped out of the car.

' I will go outside to Jin hyung ' he said going out.

' Be safe ' you said holding his hand showing your worry and he nod at you with assuring smile.

' Hyung thank you for helping without question ' Taehyung said as soon as he encountered his elder.

' Yaah who told you to thank me. After living with me from years you have learnt only this ' Older said yelling making the younger chuckle.

' Ok hyung sorry. Tell me where are the all the people ' Taehyung said asking him.

' Oh they all are standing in the hall here ' he said and taehyung nod .

' let's go then ' taehyung said making his way towards hall.

' So everyone i am sorry for your inconvenience. But there is some urgency so you all have to wait for sometime. There is some information about some wrong deed. So we are just checking you for this purpose ' Taehyung said addressing the crowd.

' Please show me your I'd every one. I hope you all will co-operate being a responsible citizen ' he said smiling.

After sometime Mr Kim arrived there with their team .

Almost checking every one's identity taehyung sighed as he called you.

' Yn did you saw him anywhere in the crowd ' Taehyung asked on the line.

' No tae, i didn't ' you said disappointed.

' It's ok, don't worry ' he said comforting you as you hummed in response as he cut the call.

' What should we do now ' Taehyung said to his father.

' Don't worry son, everything will be fine ' Mr Kim said patting his shoulders.

' If you don't mind can I know about the matter now ' Jin asked awkwardly and taehyung nod his head before explaining him everything.

' That bastard ' Jin only cursed after hearing your story.

' I guess i should meet her ' Jin said being worried about your condition. Taehyung nod his head.

' Hi , I am Kim Seokjin . Well you can also call me world wide handsome , cuz you know i am handsome like hell ' Jin said in his one breathe more like rapping and you just laugh awkwardly .

' Hi nice to meet you . I am Yn ' you said bowing politely.

' Oh come on drop the formalities ' he said laughing loudly. And you just nod.

' I must say you are beautiful, but l not more than me ' he said followed by his wind shield laughter.

' Hyung stop, you are making it awkward. ' Taehyung said gripping his shoulders.

' Yaah how dare you, i am talking with a beauty and you are insulting me. Don't you know how to respect your elders. You ungrateful brat. You didn't learn any manner from me. ' Here goes second verse of WWH's rap.

Taehyung just shook his head at his hyung's overreacted self while you laughed at their reaction.

After chit chatting for some more minutes you all bid your good byes. Jin told you to visit him again . You can't help but feel ease talking with him.

' Tae, i am going to sleep ' You said to him as soon as you stepped out.

' But don't you want to eat anything ' he said frowning.

' No tae, Jin oppa made me eat ramyeon there and i am contented by that. I don't have wish to eat anything. ' You said explaining as he nod.

' Wait ' he said making your steps halt as you were entering inside.

' What happened ' You asked turning around facing him.

' It's t-that can y-you sleep in m-my room ' he said scratching the back of his head while looking down.

' Why are you feeling shy, it's not like that i am sleeping for first time in your room ' you said teasing him on his nervousness.

' Yaah ' he said angrily and you just chuckle.

' First i will change in my room then i will come. Till then wait ' you said finally entering.

As you entered his room you saw him sitting on the bed and scrolling through his phone.

As soon as he saw you he put his phone on night stand and smiled at you.

' Come here fast, i am so much tired ' he said pouting cutely making you aww at his cuteness.

' Bear, you are so much dramatic ' You said shaking your head while joining him in bed.

' So what, are you complaining ' he said showing his fake anger.

' Aish come here you drama package ' you said as you cup his cheeks and peck his full face making him giggle.

' Come now let's sleep, it's late ' you said laying beside him.

He wrap his hands around you and you placed your head in his chest . You both slept comfortably in each others arms forgetting about the worries of your life.

Everything seems easy if you are with me.


Gamsaheyo 💜

I summoned you
Please come to me
Don't bury thought that you really want
I fill you up
Drink from my cup
Within me lies
What you really want.

DESTINED TO BE MET||Kim Taehyung||KTHWhere stories live. Discover now